Ch.13 The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.

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"uhh, uncomplicate it then." Niall crossed his arms over his chest, feelings or being lied to coming to the surface causing his eyes to flash with lighting.

"Niall, what's going on with your eyes." Luke questioned timidly.

"Answer my question first." Niall's usual melodic Irish voice was replaced with a deep earthy tone. Thunder Boomed outside, rocking the school building.

"Luke....What is Niall?" Ashton turned to his friend, paler than normal.

"Elemental." Luke answered, just as scared as his friend.

"We're Sirens and Nyms mixed." Callum offered up. "But please don't tell anyone. If they knew what we were, we wouldn't be welcome here." He begged.

"Good, now that, that is settled. Michael you can come out from under the table, i'm not going to hurt you." Niall Laughed a deep belly laugh. "You guys should have seen your faces and you Michael do you need to go get changed?" Niall continued to laugh.

"Dude, you're fucked up!" Callum barked causing Ni to laugh even harder.

"Come on, it was a joke. Lighten up." "Niall? Who are these boys?" A deep familiar english accent rang through Nialls ears.


Liam walked down the halls searching for Zayns classroom. a couple more turns and he smelled ozone and smoke, tell tell signs a fire elemental was nearby. He opened the heavy metal door to the last room at the end of the Hallway.

Ducking quickly Liam dodged the Massive fireball that came right at his head.

"The Fuck Mate!" He screamed out. 

"Liam. You know better than to enter a fire room without warning." Zayn Scolded. "You could have been hurt." He looked on disapprovingly at his best friend.

"Actually, I've been calling out to you in your mind for the last 30 Minutes."  Li fired back at his friend.

"Oh. Well you've got my attention now." Z laughed.  The two Elementals turned to the full class room, Liam giving an awkward, "Sorry to interrupt." He stood from the floor glancing out at the snickering classroom.

"Since you're here, wanna help me with a fire Demonstration?" "Sure!" Liam conjured a fireball, it was red with swirls of orange. The heat was blistering, but for those gifted with fire, the heat was welcomed and relaxing, like being in a sauna.

"Now i want you to concentrate on the fire, become one with your fire." Zayns zen like voice spoke. "Imagine it heating up." Zayn continued " Try to make this flame more dense, pull it in heat it up." The flame shrank but the heat increased steadily hotter and hotter till a shock wave emitted. The red and orange flame was replaced by a blue and white flame.

"Wow!" Liam exclaimed "I've never been able to make this before" Liams face was ecstatic the joy radiated off him in waves. Zayn approached his friend clapping him on the back with congratulations. A student put up her hand.

"Yes Kadie?"

"I thought you were the only Elemental of Fire?" Her big blue eyes and open face begged for answers.

"You see, Liam here is a special case, He seems to be able to do other Elements Like our other Friend Niall." Liam let the flame disperse as he listened to the kids and Zayn chat.

"What else can he do?" another student asked.

"So far, just fire and astral projection." Liam spoke for himself.

"What's Astral Projection?" the same kid asked.

"It's where I meditate, in this state I can find any person on the planet I personally know or have a connection too, sometimes i even hear random people begging for help. When I locate a person then I can Project my consciousness and image to that person and its like i'm there with them even though i'm here in the school or wherever." Liam tried his best to explain it.

"Wow, That's cool!" Kadie spoke again. "Have you tried anything else, like Wind, Water or Earth?" "Alright kids class is over for today. Maybe Liam will come back next week and show us some stuff. Till then make sure you read your texts we have a quiz on Greek history monday. Enjoy your weekend I'll see you all monday." Zayn waved his hands around, the metal shades over the windows and the door all opened at once.

"Now, that the inquisition is done, what did you need?" Zayn turned to his friend ushering him over to the chairs at his desk. Sitting across from his friend Liam seemed older than he was, Worry lines and dark circles had etched themselves to his handsome features.

"Paul seems to think it's best that I explain about how we came to be to Niall. That I be the one to tell him who he is/was, When I myself have no clue who I am/was." Liam let out a deep breath, then slammed his head on the desk over and over again.

"Liam, You can't beat yourself up it won't do you any good. Besides your putting dents in my desk, Now stop. Second, Who would you want to hear this news from Me or someone you don't know yet?" Zayn placed a reassuring hand on Li's arm then smiled at him warmly.

A loud rumble was heard outside then the school began to shake.

"FUCK!" Liam screamed then took off running.

"Niall, must find Niall." He shouted over his shoulder at Zayn.

"Liam, use your mind feel for him." Zayn yelled back as they ran through the halls.

"Courtyard, I-I think he's in the courtyard." Both boys turned towards the courtyard exit.

Liam slowed to a walk as he opened the doors, seeing his Blonde boy sitting there with four boys, four boys Niall should never be around. Walking up confidently and angered Liam placed his hand on Niall's shoulder.

"Niall? Who are these boys?" Even though he already knew them, he had to play dumb.

"LI!" Niall shouted standing up on the seat he was sitting in he through his arms around Liams neck and peppered his face with kisses. "I've missed you so much! Where have you been?"

"I was with Paul and then I had to go see Zayn." He motioned to their friend resting against the door frame.

"Oh, Cool. wanna join us?"

"No. Niall we actually need to go. I have something to talk to you about."

"Oh, Okay." He turned back to the others at his table. "Guess I gotta go. Thanks for letting me join you for lunch guys. It was fun." Niall walked around to Luke and gave him a hearty hug, earning a growl and heat to radiate from Liam.

"Someone's Jealous." Callum sing songed.

"I'd watch your tone Siren." Liam turned his eyes aglow with flames on the young kiwi, effectively shutting him up.

"How does he know?" Ashton Mouthed to the other boys. They all shrugged not knowing.

"Alright Li, lets go." The two boys walked off arms linked as Niall leaned into Liam's side so happy to have his LiLi with him again. 

"This could prove a problem Luke spoke. I didn't know Liam knew who we are."

"It's okay I am sure you'll think of another plan." Ashton gave Luke an admiring look. 

" I will have you Niall, If it's the last thing I ever do." Luke spoke to himself as he formulated his new plan.

The Six Houses (on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora