CH. 11 Liam.

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"Rebekah waite." Liam grabbed her hand that was resting on the door knob. "I-I, Can't. I don't know what to say to him." He looked to the Mermaid with pleading eyes. "What if he tells me to never talk to him again? What if he hates me forever? I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"We can't find out hiding here in the hallway now can we?" She turned the knob, opened the door and stood back allowing Liam to walk in first. Shutting the door behind them, the sound echoed through the quiet flat. "Why's it so quiet in here? Aren't there like 5 rowdy boys who live here?"

"Yea, it's way to calm." Liam stated while walking into the main living area. "ANYONE HOME!" Liam shouted out while peering into each bedroom off the main room.

"Huh. No one is here." Bekah looked around for any sign of where everyone was. On the dining table she found a Note:


     Dear Ass Hat,

We took Niall out for Ice cream. Don't wait up for us.


3 former best friends and Niall.

"Well shaggy, that sums of that mystery." She giggled while handing him the note.

Liams' face fell reading the hurtful words, clearly written by Louis. " I guess I have my answer, I've lost them all." He started to cry light tears, crumpling the note in his hands while sliding his back down the wall. Liam pulled his knees towards his chest allowing the sadness to consume him.

"Not all of us." A soft Irish accent called out from down the hall. 

Liams head snapped up and in the direction of the voice he's been craving to hear.

"Niall!" He threw himself at the Blonde. But was cut back by a wall of air.

"Louis, Let him go." Niall put venom behind his words. Liams Body slumped to the ground at Nialls feet.

"I was just making sure he made it to the place he belongs." Lou sassed suppressing a giggle at the site of Liam basically in a groveling position.

"LOU!" Niall shoot him a dirty look saying he would deal with this on his own. The brunnette put up his hands in defense before turning and walking out of the room with the other lads.

Liam looked up at Niall, full on puppy dog pouting. His chocolate eyes shining from unshed tear. "Niall Listen. About earlier." He took a deep breath collecting his thoughts and courage before continuing. "You don't understand what it's like for me. I grew up here, amongst the others always alone, always seeking out my other half, until I found you. I just thought it was luck, but no it was just another thing someone else has decided for me. Like I have no control of who or what I am already, it just didn't seem fair. I like you a lot Niall and I was just afraid that those feelings are not my own, that someone else was using me like a puppet." A few tears escaped from his right eye.

Niall bent down on his knees in front of Liam. Liam looked down towards the ground too ashamed to look the man he loved in the face, he acted like a baby and thusly he deserved to be treated and scolded like one, so he braced himself for it.  Instead Niall brushed away Liams tears with his thumb while caressing his face gently in his hands.

"You are only Human, Liam. When you fall down crashing to the ground, I will be there at your side to help you up. I won't lie, your words in my head are like knives in my heart, but I know what you're going through. Don't forget who I am and where I came from. You saved me Li, without your constant loyalty and friendship over the last few years I would be dead." Niall looked him square in the eyes the whole time he spoke. "I forgive you Liam Payne, But I can not forget what you said. You've got some trust to rebuild." He kissed Liam on the cheek and stood up walking towards the direction of the other boys. As he neared the door Niall looked back over his shoulder, "For what it's worth Li, I like you a lot too." Casting a heart melting smile to the older boy Niall finished walking out the door leaving Liam to his thoughts and his new friend.

"Well I would say that went very well considering how big an ass you made of yourself earlier." Bekah mused.

"Yeah." Liam breathed getting up from the floor. "I've got a giant hole to dig myself out of, If I ever expect Niall to love me."

"That's for damn sure."

Giving his friend his best resting bitch face. "Do you have anything positive to add here fishy?"

"Umm, I am positive you're screwed without my help." Bekah shot back.

"Well then your Highness, What do you suggest."

"I have an idea, But its gonna take a lot of planning on your part. Think your friends will help?" 

"Yes of course we'll help." Harry answered for the group.

Both Li and Bek turned towards the melodic accent. "How much did you hear? Better yet, did Niall here?" She quizzed.

"No he didn't he went into his room and turned on some music. I'm guessing he's trying to relax. He's been stressed lately." Harry gave Li a look.

Sighing in defeat, "I know." Liam looked down at his lap where he was mindlessly playing with his hands a bit too aggressively.  Rebekah slapped his hands. "Stop that, Nancy boy you're working my nerves. Anyways I gotta go. You Four meet me at the Lake tomorrow at 5pm. so we can discuss my plan." She flipped her hair over her shoulder standing up as she did.

"Everyone gather round for hugs." She opened her arms and made grabby hands. The boys did as they were told all gathering around the petite girl in a group hug. "Don't worry Li we will get your boy." They all made sounds of agreement releasing the hug.

"BYE BOYS!" She called as he closed the main door.

"Well she's a spitfire." Zayn quipt. "Anyone wants some tea? It is pretty late."

"Yea I'm down." Liam added.

"Count Hazza and I out, We're going to bed." Louis winked at the group before grabbing his boys hand and walking off to his room.

"Well thats leaves just you and I. Best friend time, YEA!" Zayn chorused earning a laugh from Liam. "Yea, I think it is mate. I've missed you!" Liam through his arm over Zayns shoulder walking with him into the kitchen to make tea for two.

The two boys stayed in the kitchen at the circular table talking, laughing, drinking tea and playing cards for half the night.

"Li, It's Two in the morning." Zayn gawked.

"Fuck mate I've completely lost track of time."

"We've got class in Four Hours!" The two boys stood cleaned up the kitchen and scurried off to bed. "Night Mate." They chorused at each other sending them into another fit of laughter as they shut the doors to their respective rooms. 

Liam went about stripping from his jeans and T-shirt down to just his black Calvin Klein trunks, before turning the covers to his bed back and slipping in with a heavy sigh. Today had been stressful and all he needed was some sleep to help collect his thoughts. Unfortunately all his thoughts were filled with a certain blonde Irish lads smile and happy eyes. Tossing a few times in his bed He tried to get comfortable, when a light tap came from his door and a tentative "Li" floated through the wood caressing Liams ears and bringing a smile to his face.

"Come in Niall." Liam sing songed.

The door slowly opened revealing a shy Niall Horan standing in the door illuminated from behind by the hallway light, fidgeting with this hands and twisting his feet.

"You just gonna stand there being cute, or are you gonna come cuddle with me?" Liam called to his leprechaun while holding the blankets up. Gaining him a 1000 watt smile and a blur of blonde running straight towards him then landing on him causing and "UMPHHH!" to leave his lips forcefully.

"Sorry Li." Niall wiggled his butt getting as close to Liam as possible before letting out a content sigh as Liam wrapped his arms around him and kissed the back of his head. The two boys drifted into a deep peaceful slumber.

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