Chapter 12 A Samurai's Journey part 2

Start from the beginning

"Don't you think I had a right to know."Cam asked his dad who did not look happy at being asked about this."We all did."Hunter pointed out.His answer was more gentle this time."Perhaps but what would it have changed,"he looked around at us all."Would you have fought him any differently if you had known."He asked and we all realized he was right no matter who he is he attacked the ninja schools captured all other students and sensei's apart from us.

I looked up at the same time as Kailey and Tori when the computers beeped."Speaking of battling."Tori spoke."They're everywhere."Kailey said as six monsters all appeared on the screen ready for battle in six different places."Rangers go Cam and Jess you will wait here to monitor for further attacks."We all nodded but I also sensed that this was not the only reason I was kept behind as Cam didn't need me to help him monitor.

As the others left Cam put the necklace around his neck and sensei spoke to him."I see the samurai amulet has found it's rightful owner, it is an honor not to be taken lightly son."Cam nodded and thought about something before speaking himself"I know, she was beautiful...and brave...and kind...everything you said she was."He said with a sad smile.Sensei also smiled sadly."You forgot wise, as she has chosen well in bringing forth the newest power ranger."I smiled as I stood watching them.

Not long after this the computers beeped again showing another monster that resembled some sort of fly/wasp."That one has got our name written all over it,"Cam spoke before pausing looking at me and then at his dad."Dad."Sensei did not hesitate and spoke in a voice that showed that he was proud."Go you two,"he sighed and turned to me.

"Jess be careful out there and when you get back we will talk."I sighed but nodded and me and cam smiled at each other and fell into line next to each other.

"ready?"I asked and he nodded."Ready."As he raised his cyclone morpher I raised my wrist and we both called out.

"FIRE STORM!"I called out.

"SAMURAI STORM!"Cam called out.

"RANGER FORM HA!"We called out in unison.

As we both finished morphing we appeared downtown where the monster was."Hey why don't you buzz off."I told him and he attacked.Me and Cam got separated as I took on a bunch of kelzacks and he took on the monster.As the kelzacks attacked I pulled out my dragon saber and started hacking away at them one by one but I noticed that most of them had ran over to help the monster as I knocked them down and as I turned around to see why I saw that the fly monster was biting Cam.

"CAM!"I yelled."FIRE SABER IGNITE."And as my blade began to engulf in flames I slashed in the direction of the monster causing the very breeze created by my slash to engulf in flames hitting the monster causing it to get knocked back and I took this opportunity to run over to Cam and I grabbed his hand."Let's get out of here."I said and I flamed us back to ninja ops as we demorphed.


Cam stood there twitching and sweating as the others surrounded him staring at his chest where a bunch of sores had spread out ever since the monster had bitten him."Dude what happened."Hunter asked looking disgusted as they all tried not to get close to him.

"I got a little to close to that overgrown sucker."Cam told them all clearly uncomfortable as they all looked at him feeling ill.Before anyone could say anything else the computers beeped again and we all looked around to see one of the monsters growing.

"Starvard has grown."Sensei said.The wind rangers agrees to take starvard.

"Thunder and fire ninjas can you handle the rest."We nodded.But before we could leave Cam spoke."What about me."And as we all turned around I felt more sick.his hands were covered in fur."OK I got to say no girl my age should see that."Cam glared at me but I could tell he didn't mean it."Rangers go I will help Cam."We nodded. As we went to leave Kailey turned to me."Are you up for this, unlike the rest of us you're not 100% ok and don't think we didn't notice.I didn't say anything I just carried on walking.She sighed and followed me.The others looked like they wanted to say something but they didn't thankfully.


When me and Kailey arrived on the scene of one of the monsters we called our weapons and started to attack him he looked like some sort of walking radio.This is the monster Kailey had fought earlier.He put up a good fight and as I kicked him in the gut he managed to blast me away from him and I hit the ground hard.

Kailey picked me up and said. "Let's show him some real fireworks."I nodded.

"SNOW SPEAR!"She called.

"DRAGON SABER!"I called and our weapons began to glow with with elemental power and we both slashed at the monster in unison and this time we seemed to get the upper hand and he went down for the count in a puff of steam.As I began to breathe heavily cam called us through our morphers."Kailey, Jess you guys ok."

"We're fine Cam."I lied before Kailey could say anything about me."There's one monster left Blake and Hunter are already on their way Kailey can you join them."She gave him her conformation and left I frowned."What about me."He sighed."If you're feeling up to it the others could use your help I've got a new disk for you that will enable you to pilot the megazord on your own."I consented and I looked up when the Frostbite Megazord appeared and I jumped into the cockpit.

"Hey Cam how about that disk."Just as I finished saying it a new disk appeared and I dropped it into the slot."Locked and dropped."And now I could move the megazord as if Kailey was in the cockpit right next to me."Hey guys need a hand."The winds and fly monster looked around as I appeared.Not long after Cam appeared in the samurai chopper and all of us  working together we managed to defeat him.


After the battle we all returned to ninja ops and while the others arranged to give Cam the new uniform they had made for him I walked towards the bathroom and took some aspirin again.Hopefully after some sleep my head will stop hurting but after using that new power and battling like all day I'm really tired.After I had done taking them I returned just in time to hear sensei say."It takes a real man to choose his own destiny, no father could be prouder."I smiled as Cam did but when he looked over at em and seen how exhausted I looked he put the uniform down and he, Hunter, and Kailey came over to me."Jessica whatever that power was it's really weakened you maybe you should get some rest."Cam spoke I went to object but Sensei spoke."Unless there's a good reason until you have learned to control these powers it is not a good idea for you to use them now go get some rest you are no good to anyone like this."I sighed but nodded they were right if there was an alien attack right now I would be in trouble.Big trouble."Yes sensei bye guys."

Hunter and Cam helped me to my room and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

Well that was a samurai's journey part 2 hope you enjoyed also ps:the reason she's not in control of her power is because she simply doesn't know how to use them properly in time with more training an experience she will get better and less painful it will be afterwards also sorry that it's been a while as I've said before work has kept me pretty busy I'm taking most of my day up just writing this one chapter and I'll be indivisually updating each of my core fanfics at different times some days I might work on fire and ice others i might be working on light in the darkness or ill be working on something new so I might be a bit before i update the fan fic that you're reading if your not reading the others well thats about it later.

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