Duvet day and Cuddles

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Where Charlie is unwell and Nick takes care of Charlie and there's lots of cuddling

Charlie had woken up feeling absolutely horrible, he was burning up, his nose was all stuffed. Charlie was sick. Charlie reached for his phone, he groaned. It was the weekend him and Nick had a date planned today, and of course, just Charlie's luck he happened to get sick. 

Charlie: Nick I'm so sorry but I can't go on our date today :( I'm ill xx seen at 8:58am

Nick: Awe Char :( what's wrong? I can come round yours and we can cuddle :) xxSeen at 9:02am

Charlie: I've got a cold and just really hot :( don't want you to get sick too, I'll probably just be sleeping most the day xx Seen at 9:05am

Nick: You're defiantly hot ;) I don't mind if I get sick, we can cuddle and watch films xx seen at 9:07am

Charlie couldn't help but laugh at Nick reply about calling him hot 

Charlie: You're suck a dork lol, only if you're sure do you think you can bring some ice cream?xxSeen at 9:10am

Nick: Anything for you, see you soon xx


Nick was round Charlie's within the next hour


"Hi"  Charlie smiled as he opened the door, Nick was standing on Charlie's doorstep, soaking wet. It'd started chucking it down outside, as always Nick didn't check the weather and he's absolutely soaked. 

This reminds Charlie of the time when Nick showed up at his, in his blue hoodie (which Charlie now owns) and it was chucking it down with rain, it was after they kissed at Harry's party and Nick was in Charlie's room, they kissed again and Nick told Charlie how he was having a prober full on gay crisis, Charlie then ran out in the rain, getting soaked and kissed Nick.They'd kissed 3 times in the space of over 12 hours, and honestly, that was the best day of Charlie's life. 

"I think you picked the perfect day to be sick, it's horrible out there" 

"Oh thanks, here I am, your cute, adorable boyfriend all ill and with a blocked nose and the first thing you say is, 'thanks fro getting sick' you're the worlds worst boyfriend" Charlie joked, Nick rolled his eyes, playing pushing Charlie. "Shut up Char, you're so dramatic, when do you want to watch the film?" Nick asked, walking into Charlie's, shutting the door behind him. 

"We can watch it in my room, it's just us in" Charlie smiled, Nick smiled back, taking his shoes off and shutting the door behind him. 

Once in Charlie's room, Nick had got changed into some warm clothes, getting his hoodie and joggers out of Charlie's wardrobe. That's one of the best things about being in a relationship, Charlie always steals Nick's clothes and whenever Nick stays over Charlie's he can always borrow his own clothes back for the night. 

"Come on Char, let's get into bed and cuddle" Nick smiled. Charlie nodded his head, he's only been out of bed for a few minutes but he's absolutely exhausted. 

Both boys climbed into bed, Charlie snuggled up to Nick, resting his head on Nick's chest, this is what Charlie loved doing the most, he loved cuddling up with Nick, Nick was always so warm, and his strong rugby arms always made Charlie feel so safe. 

"Can we please watch mean girls?" Charlie asked. 

"Mean girls? what's that?"

Charlie sat up, his mouth dropped wide open. "Nicholas Nelson, please tell me you're joking" Charlie gasped, Nick let out a small giggle. "Joking? Char, I have no idea what mean girls is" 

Charlie shook his head, giving Nick a playful shove. "I think this is the end of our relationship, I'm so offend you have no idea what mean girls is, it's only of the best best films" 

Nick laughed, pulling Charlie back down on his chest and kissing his head. "You're the biggest nerd I know" 

"But the cutest" 

"That's true, now come on, let's watch mean girls"


After the film had finished, Charlie fell asleep on Nick, Nick had also fallen asleep too, today had been such a perfect day, despite Charlie being ill, cuddling up to Nick and spending the day in bed, was one of the best days Charlie has had in ages. 

Charlie was so glad Nick was his boyfriend.

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