The wrong date

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Where Imogen asks Nick out on a date, but Nick only agreed because of all the pressure from the rugby team and didn't want to break Imogen's heart. 


Nick was wide awake in his bed, staring up at the dark ceiling, he couldn't sleep, right now he felt like the word's worst person. He's going on a date with Imogen on the weekend and he really didn't want to go. Imogen's a lovely girl, they've been friends for years, but Nick doesn't like her in that way. It's Charlie, Nick wants Charlie. 

Nick couldn't get the image of a heartbroken Charlie out of his head, Harry was hyping Nick up, he knew exactly what he was doing, the way he kept on looking at Charlie, smirking and laughing, knowing it was upsetting Charlie. Nick just panicked, and agreed to go on a date, a few of the rugby lads, mainly Harry have been teasing Charlie, saying how him and Nick were together, and have been awful to Charlie. 

Now Nick doesn't know what to do, he never wanted to upset Charlie, they've been best friends for a few months now, practically do everything together and Nick's probably lost all of that now. If Charlie doesn't want to be friends with Nick anymore, Nick will be heartbroken. 


It was now morning, Friday morning, Nick got no sleep and was now getting ready for school. He's not spoken to Charlie since Wednesday, since he agreed to go on the date with Imogen, he really wants to message Charlie, he just doesn't know what to say. 

As usual when Nick got to school, he sat on the bench with his group, Harry, Ben Imogen and a few of the other rugby lads. Imogen was sat next to him, excited about their date. 

"This is the first time, I've been on a date, I can't wait. Shall we go bowling? Or maybe go and get some food, or we can go for a picnic" Imogen gasped excitedly, Nick gave a small smile. "Yeah, maybe" 

"So Nicholas, Mr Nick Nelson, looks like you could be taken over the weekend, who knows maybe even loose your v card" Harry smirked, making the group laugh. Imogen rolled her eyes. "You jealous?" she chuckled. 

Nick then saw Charlie, Charlie had his headphone on, looking at the ground. "Guys, look watch this" Harry laughed. Harry got off the bench and walked over to Charlie, grabbing his headphones and pulling them off. "Harry" Nick warned. 

"So Charlie, what do you think of Nick's and Imogen's date, you jealous?" Harry laughed. "Well, of course you're not jealous you can't go on a date with her, but I bet you're jealous that Imogen is going on a date with Nick, I bet you've been crying yourself to sleep since Wednesday" Harry snarled. 

Charlie felt a tight lump in his throat, he felt tears prick up in his eyes. "Are you crying? No way" Charlie tried to get past Harry, but Harry pushed him back. "Harry, leave Charlie alone" Nick got off the table walking over to Harry. "Nick, it's just a joke. I know you don't actually like Charlie, we're just messing around" 

"Just leave Charlie alone, why do you always have to make everyone around you feel so miserable? All the time you constantly keep on picking on and making Charlie upset, I'm sick of it" Nick shouted. 

Charlie looked up at Nick, not saying anything but just staring at him. Harry rolled his eyes, "maybe if Charlie wasn't such a little girl, then we wouldn't have to be mean to him, I mean look at him, he's weak, he's always crying, doesn't know how to stick up for himself, he can't take a joke" 

Nick pushed Harry

"Nick" Charlie whispered, Nick looked over at Charlie who shook his head. "Please don't, I'm okay" 

Nick looked back over at Harry, "that's right, listen to your little boyfriend" Harry mocked, Charlie walked past Harry, looking at the ground again, Nick grabbed his bag, going after Charlie. "Wait Nick, are we still going on a date?" Imogen asked, Nick didn't respond, he just ran after Charlie. 

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