The perfect date

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This is counting on from "The wrong date" One shot, where Nick asked Charlie out on a date :)

Nick was going on his first ever date

Charlie was going on his first ever date

Nick are Charlie were going on a date together, Charlie felt as if he was in some sort of movie, he was going on a date with Nick Nelson, he couldn't believe it. 

"Told you Nick wasn't straight" Tori smirked sipping on her lemonade, Charlie jumped, Tori always just appeared out of no where. 

"Shut up" Charlie laughed. 

"So, where are you and Nick going?" Tori questioned, she made her way into Charlie's room and sat on his bed. "Bowling, then we're going to the arcades after" Charlie smiled, Tori smiled too. "That's such a cheesy date"

"Do I look okay? I don't look silly or anything do I?" 

Tori shook her head, "Charlie you look fine" Tori reassured, Charlie nodded his head, looking at himself in the mirror, he had a plain white t-shirt on, jeans, and a yellow flannel with his converses. 

The door bell rang, it was Nick. 

"That's Nick" Charlie beamed, running past Tori and down the stairs.



Nick looked absolutely incredible, he was wearing blue jeans, and a dark blue long sleeved t-shirt with his vans. 

"You look really nice" Nick smiled, Charlie blushed, "ready to go?" 

Charlie nodded his head smiling, "You look nice too" 


"Strong rugby lad?" Nick questioned, Nick and Charlie had arrived at the bowling alley, they were picking their bowling names. "Well, it's true isn't it?" Charlie giggled, Nick rolled his eyes, "okay, I'll pick your name" 

"There you go, I've chosen your name" Nick smiled. 

"Gay nerd, Nicholas Nelson" Charlie gasped. 

"Well, you are a nerd, you're my nerd. Now let's play I'm going to win" 

Charlie laughed. "Yeah right"

Charlie was honesty having the best time, he of course was winning and Nick was loosing, Nick was absolutely terrible at bowling, Charlie couldn't help but laugh every time Nick's bowling ball  went down the gutter or how he'd only knock a couple of the pins over. Charlie had already gotten 3 strikes. 

"Oh yes get in" Nick cheered. "You see that Char? a strike" 

Charlie blushed at the nickname. "Char?" Charlie smiled. 

Nick blushed too, "I-sorry I don't know where that came from" 

"Say it again" 

Nick shook head head. "No chance"

"Please Nick" Charlie begged. 

Nick smiled, "Not a chance Char, I'm defiantly not calling you that again now I know you like it" Nick joked. 

the bowling game had ended and Charlie had won, just like he said he would and just like he knew he would. 

"Okay, first off we didn't have the barriers up, which makes the game 100 times more harder and there was defiantly something up with the bowling balls, they were defiantly faulty" \

Charlie rolled his eyes shaking his head, "that right there is typical loser talk, you're rubbish at bowling Nick, so bad" 

"oi" Nick joked, playfully pushing Charlie. 

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