𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒚 1

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dear diary,
he's so pretty.

𝖒aeda always was one to write her feelings out.

his presence is a raging inferno.

the love letters she's written in the past holding evidence.

god i think I'm in love.

she wrote when she was sad.

i hope he'll acknowledge me someday.

she wrote when she was happy.

i can only wish he'll see me the way I see him.

she knew for sure one day she would come to regret leaving what she wrote out for any eye to see.



u.a. ☑︎
- pros: cute uniform, top hero school, easy commute, famous teachers
-cons: self entitled jerks, high expectations, high risks, mostly male dominated

shiketsu ☑︎
-pros: cute hats, top hero school, famous teachers
-cons: rest of the uniform is meh, high expectations, MEATBALL BOY >:( , hard commute

ketsubutsu ☒
- pros: MS JOKE (*≧∀≦*), top hero school
-cons: really ugly uniform, hard commute

seiai ☒
-pros: cute uniform, girls only <3, team players apparently
-cons: toxic feminists, some of the upperclassmen that go there are mean

seijin ☒
-pros: ninjas ???? (゜ロ゜), teach a solid understanding of quirks
-cons: ugly uniforms, not really known, really far from home (like across the country)

𝖒aeda gulped nervously as she looked at the two envelopes in front of her.

she had lowered her list of future schools down to two and these envelopes decided her fate.

"here we go." maeda mumbled as she sucked in a breath opening the first envelope with the shiketsu seal upon it.

"dear ms. maeda keiri, we at shiketsu high school are glad you chose to apply blah blah blah blah but we regret to inform you your application has been rejected. though you did pass the written exam with flying colors you did not pass the practical exam with enough points required for the hero course."

"great" she sighed out.

she proceeded to cross out shiketsu from her list.

"the moment of truth" she said crossing her fingers.

she opened the envelope to find a circular disk like object inside.


"i have appeared in the form of a projection!!"

"all might???!" maeda screamed backing away from the disk slightly.

"i, all might, have been recruited as a teacher for the hero course at my alma mater u.a. and it is my duty to inform applicants of said course whether they have passed. young maeda! you have passed the written exam with a 98 out of the required passing 60 placing you first for the written exam. now the deciding factor. only the top 36 students who pass the practical exam, their written exams taken into consideration, are placed into the hero course."

"you have received a total of 20 villian points."

maeda sighed as she readied her pencil to cross u.a from the list.

"but there was a secret factor of the exam that was not revealed. heroes don't only defeat villains. they also protect the innocent. young maeda, having received 20 villain points and 42 rescue points resulting to a total of 62 points, you have placed 5th passing with scores other could only envy. you may find your required forms and hero costume design form in the envelope. on the behalf of everybody here at u.a, i welcome you to your hero academia!"

the pencil dropped to the floor.

".....obaa-san! i passed! i passed!" maeda screamed with joy running from her room and towards her future.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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