Vol. 1 Six x TVHead!Reader x Alt!Gabriel

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This is just sum fluffy stuff with the (subjectively) better intruder >:)

Guess the first part is also some really well written crack if you think hard enough.

Volume. 1 Six > Volume. 2 Six change my mind.


You were sitting down on your couch messing with some of your settings, pushing different buttons and sometimes fiddling with your receptor antenna, when suddenly you started to spazz out. You clutched the sides of your head as you felt like you got hit with a sledgehammer. Once the feeling went away your vision slowly cleared to see...SOMEBODY IN FRONT OF YOU?!?!

You jumped back in surprise and bumped into the wall, alerting the intruder that you were, indeed, a person and not just a randomly placed TV. They turned around and you saw their eyes widen in surprise at the sight of your TV head.

You both stood there in dead silence, staring at each other in confusion and bewilderment, as Six walked over to you. You froze up as he tilted his head in curiosity and said, "You have...a TV for a head..? H-how'd that even happen? How are you even alive right now???"

I mean, you should've been way more afraid than you were right now. Shaking, quivering, crying hysterically, all things you weren't doing.

Instead you stood there dumbly before saying, "I- uh- actually need this to survive."

He quickly reached over and put a hand in your screen, causing you to start spazzing out again. Your screen flipped to static and a loud screeching noise erupted from the electronic box on your head. Six flinched back before saying, "Woah...sorry. Didn't realize it was that bad."

You shook your head, hitting the side of the TV multiple times before being able to calm yourself down. Your facial tracking flickered back on as you looked at him anxiously.

Six shrugged at your nervous state before saying, "What's wrong? Still hung up about the fact I just walked out of your face?" He stopped and thought for a moment before saying, "Y'know, that sounded a lot less hostile when I first thought of it." You exhaled before walking into the kitchen in an attempt to get him to leave you alone. Instead he followed you while saying, "Gonna get some food?"

You turned to him in annoyance before saying, "Yes, yes I am actually." He seemed to think after hearing your slightly agitated comment before boldly saying, "Can you make me a ham sandwich?"

That was it. Not the fact that he teleported through your head or just gave you a massive migraine, but the fact he asked you to make him a goddamn sandwich with little hesitation. You turned towards him and let some electricity flow into your hands before bitch slapping him as hard as you could muster.

He stood there dumbfounded, the slap echoing through the halls. "...the hell, that hurt." Six said, rubbing where you had slapped him. It was literally smoking where you hit him and the smell of burnt flesh wafted towards you. You gagged slightly before rolling your eyes and walking over to your fridge.

"So...do I still get the sandwich?" He asked, staring at you. "Guess." Was all you replied as you pulled out some of your leftover (F/F). Six watched you closely before sitting down next to you and saying, "How ya gonna eat that?"

You gave him a deadpan stare before pulling up a small slot in the TV screen, revealing an opening wide enough for you to eat comfortably through. You finished eating quickly and when you finished Six said, "I'm not gonna leave until you give me my ham sandwich."

"...fine. Whatever. Plain or do you want condiments?" You said, finally caving into his sheer stupidity and idiotic boldness.

"Whatever you have to make a sandwich, I guess." He said with a shrug.

Wait Which Universe? (Madcom + TMC Oneshots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن