David X Lovely (Family emergency)

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 A/M/N = Ashers Mates Name

Y/N = Your Name


I am at home watching the news when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring. I quickly get up and wrap my dressing gown around my body before answering the door. When I open the door and am surprised to see my sister's Husband and with my nephew in his arms. 

"hey Y/N I'm so sorry about this but can you watch Christopher for a bit please Kayla is really sick and I am taking her to the hospital." He said while looking back at the car

"omg yeah of course is she ok? here give her to me" I said taking Chris from his arms so he was now sleeping in mine

"uhh I don't know she is just really sick and won't stop throwing up I think it has something to do with the baby so we are just going to the hospital to make sure everything ok," he said

"oh ok let me know how she goes and don't stress about Chris he is fine to stay here as long as you need I'm sure David won't mind," I said back

"thankyou so so much I better get going ill be in touch," he said giving me a side hug and kissing Chris's cheek before rushing back to his car and driving off. I bend down slightly and pick up Chris's bag and then head back inside and lay him down in the spare bed so he can continue to sleep.

After about an hour I hear Chris cry so I rush into his room and sit down in front of him on the edge of the bed. As soon as he sees me he crawls forward and into my arms where I just cuddle him until he calms down kissing his head and whispering stories. After a few minutes, I get up with him on my hip and start to walk to the kitchen to get him a cookie. I hand him the cookie and we go and sit on the couch where I turn Disney + on watch a movie with him. Chris is only three years old and is only just really talking. 

"N-nay nay, pup pup," Chris says as he looks up and me and points to the dog on the movie

"yes Chris it's a pup pup," I said smiling back at him my sister has always called me Naynay around Chris as that's easier for him to say. I love the nickname, especially since when Chris says it in his cute little baby voice. 

We continue to watch the movie for a bit before I walk into the kitchen to make some sand witches. I can still see Chris from the kitchen thanks to the open plan of this house. Chris is sitting on the floor with his toys and the movie playing as I start to make his favorite sandwich. 

As I am making his sandwich he gets up and walks over to my side and signals me to pick him up by raising his arms at me and opening and closing his hands. I reach down and pick him up before picking up his plate of food and heading to the dining table. I sit him in my lap and hand him the small cut pieces of sandwiches that he takes and munches on happily. As he is eating I hear the front door open meaning that David must be home.

"Hey Angel I'm home" I hear him call out like he usually does making me smile

"I'm in the dining room I have to introduce you to someone" I replied and heard him walking into the dining room which just so happens to be a part of the open plan living room and kitchen.

"hey.... wow who's kid is that?" he asks as he points to the little boy sitting in my lap.

"This is Christopher, my Nephew. Nick had to take Kayla to the hospital so I'm looking after this little Munchkin" I said as I tickled Christopher's  cheek making him let out cute little giggles 

"Hey little buddy," he said to Chris as he sat down across from us "is she ok?" he asked me 

"uhh I don't know they haven't texted me yet there just making sure it's nothing serious that will affect the baby," I said back

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