Chapter Six: Storms Of Chaos and Shadows Of Death

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  • Dedicated to Cody Vetvick

Chapter Six

            Despite what had happened, the dragons still needed water and were forced to resort to the previous plan: to demand water from the village. They couldn’t trust Hydra with what little the town would be able to offer, so she was supposed to wait in the forest on the outskirts of the territory. As for Skylo, he still didn’t even want to go so he did the same.

            Moonblood was supposed to go into the town (as casually as possible as a dragon) and confront a merchant or monarch that could provide them with water. Skylo and Hydra were going to be prepared in case Moonblood was confronted by an army of knights too large for one dragon to handle alone.

            The parched Chaos dragon stood outside the gates that only reached up to his chest and looked around. The town was much larger than he expected, perfect for providing the dragons and elves with enough water to last until they reached a lake that wasn’t completely dried up.

            Moonblood hopped over the fence, flapping his wings for a bit of a boost, and landed softly on the other side like a leaf. He watched as a few terrified townsmen raced away in terror. So far, however, there was no sign of any water or even a market. The town seemed about as needy as his companions and himself.

            After a few minutes of searching with no success, he grasped a human in his talons and raised it to his left eye. His eye was about as big as the human’s chest and he could easily see every inch of it.

            “Fetch me your ruler,” Moonblood snarled at the human before tossing it into a pile of hay and watching him scamper away in fright.

            Moonblood sat there for a moment and waited to be confronted by the king or queen of the town. He rolled his eyes as he saw a knight riding a pure white horse. The knight’s sword was sheathed and he had a giant wooden stick pointed straight at Moonblood’s multicolored chest. A shield sat on his other arm so as to protect him.

As the two rushed forward, Moonblood ripped the snowy mount out from under the knight and he fell to the dirt with a clang, his shield flying several feet away into a patch of grass. His helmet bounced away as well, exposing his jet-black hair and sea-green eyes.

            “Are you going to get your ruler for me or not?” Moonblood asked calmly, so as to appear generous and friendly and save brutality for later.

            “NOT!” The knight shouted as he clambered to his feet and drew his sword. He hobbled to his shield and placed it back on his arm.

            Moonblood growled and smacked the knight as hard as he could with one paw and caught him off guard. The Chaos dragon felt the knight’s spine snap and watched as the human whirled into a tree, dead. Moonblood roared for the ruler to show once more.

            Finally! He thought as a woman approached him. She wore a solid gold crown studded with hundreds of tiny diamonds and black gems of onyx. What a weird choice of gem.  She also wore a long, billowing robe that was just as black as the onyx in her crown. At closer inspection Moonblood noticed she had also dyed her hair pitch-black. Her dark skin just added to the desire to call her queen of the shadows.

            “What is it you want?” Queen of the Night asked with no falter. She seemed as confident as if she were a dragon herself.

            Moonblood felt suspicious but stated his desire: “I need water so me and my companions can reach the ocean.”

            “Leaving so soon?” She asked as if she was sad that he was going to leave her alone once again.

            Moonblood snorted as he realized that he shouldn’t have mentioned the elves or even his dragon companions to the queen. He also began to become even more wary of the shadowy queen.

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