Chapter Four: Skylo and Hydra

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  • Dedicated to DonGloria Schmeltzer

Chapter Four

            Moonblood glared at the rising sun. The heat was unbearable and the elves were still fast asleep under his wing. Only a faint orange light across the horizon told the dragon that it was dawn. Carefully he slipped away so he wouldn’t wake the sleeping elves.

            He put on his armor, just in case, and slipped into the cool water. His aching muscles began to relax as the stiffness was simply beginning to wash away into the water. Moonblood ducked underwater and explored for about ten minutes until his muscles seemed to be more comfortable in use.

            He swam across the lake in a common way for dragons, using his wings to propel himself forward in a wavy pattern. After another few minutes he forced himself to come to the surface to take a gasp of air. With great reluctance he clambered onto the shore.

            He yawned for a moment. Before he could open his eyes, he felt something grab hold of his torso and he was hefted into the air. With a crash, he and his kidnapper fell into the water with a crash, spraying water on the elves and waking them up quickly.

            When Moonblood opened his eyes, all he saw was the dark, murky waters, his foe long gone. But with a flash, he just barely saw something shoot out of the depths of the lake and send him flying back onto shore.

            He just barely missed the surprised elves as he was launched through the air and as he crashed a few yards into the woods nearby. He roared in fury and flew back into the water with his shimmering black and red scales seeming to hold the same mood.

            With Moonblood’s luck, he blindly grabbed hold of a scaly body in his teeth and thrust it onto the shore a large distance from the elves. He quickly crashed out of the water and locked his eyes on his opponent.

            In front of Moonblood was a baby-blue female dragon shivering in fear. She had the webbed feet, tail, and head of a Water dragon with her wavy horns curled backwards. She had deep marks in her side from where Moonblood had grabbed hold of her. Although she was obviously afraid, her stormy-blue eyes stared daggers into Moonblood’s own.

            With a growl, Moonblood began to creep toward her, getting ready to strike her with his fearsome talons. With surprising speed, the black and red dragon was pulled back into the water by the same talons that had brought him there to begin with.

            In rage, Moonblood grasped the new dragon in his talons and teeth and flopped it onto the shore next to the other dragon.

            This dragon was pure white with faint blue eyes. His horns curled forward and his wings were much too big for any dragon besides one from his element; Air. This dragon seemed much braver than the other.

            “Stop!” he shouted to Moonblood.

            Moonblood obeyed and lashed his tail from side to side as he waited for the air dragon to explain.

            “We did not mean you harm,” he began. “We merely felt threatened by your presence and tried to get you away.”

            Moonblood rolled his eyes, you don’t try to get rid of a dragon the same size as you by flying them away in your talons!

            Nevertheless, he nodded and said, “Very well. I am Moonblood, on my way to the kingdom of Chaos to meet my king.”

            The air dragon looked somewhat surprised. “I am Skylo, and this is my sister Hydra. We are on our way to the kingdoms of Water and Air to meet our king and queen. If I’m not mistaken, they are all neighbors?”

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