House Tour [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

"So this balcony has the best view in the whole house" I smile holding the door open for him. He steps out on the balcony, I grab his hand pulling him to the center of the balcony where if you look to the right you can see the city.

"If this is the second best view then i have very high hopes for the first" he says as we just stand and watch the city.

After about 5 minutes Electra realizes she's still holding his hand, she lets go.

"Let's go look at the Downstairs "

Aarons pov

We held hands and I am acting like a middle schooler, because I actually liked holding her hand. I would love to do it more often actually. 

We walk down the stairs that lead to a billiard room.

"This -" I start to say but I'm cut off by a loud yell outside. Electra looks at me then she runs outside.

"Tasha what the hell" Mia screams

"Ooo, she said a no no word" Jack says pointing at Mia.

Taking a look around I know exactly what happened and by the look on Electra's face she does too. She then busts out laughing, at a certain point Electra is bent over laughing so hard.

Grabbing a towel on a nearby chair Electra gives it to Mia.

"Dad" Jack yells, finally seeing me.

"Can we go swimming now" He asks

"Sure i'll see what your mom packed you in your bag." 

"Ill go with you since I have to change"

"Yay" Jack yells giggling. 

"Jason" She yells, spinning in a circle not knowing where Jason is. 

I hear long strides down the hall

"Omg why do you have to look so official at home" She complains looking at his full black suit.

"Electra, this is the uniform you gave me." He responds.

"Well, I gave it to you for working at the firm." 

"I'll go change, what's Tasha making for dinner?"

"I don't know i'll check after I change, I'll tell you when I know. Also were going swimming so if you could find Jack and Aaron a pair of swim trunks that would be lovely" she says.

"Got it, is that all Queen Electra" he asks jokingly

"Yes, you're dismissed" she says and they both laugh as he walks away

"Jason Kingsley childhood best friends him Mia, Kayla and I lived on the same block" she says.

"They all ended up working for me and I didn't want them too far so I had them live with me but I'm pretty sure Jason is in love with her. If you look you'll catch him making goofily eyes at her." Walking past the living room down a hall way 

"This this is my room, it connects to the gym"  she says opening the double doors to her room, which is huge might I add.

"So the bed room part is there " pointing to her right 

"Then the the bathroom " she says walking straight. Turning to her right there's a huge closet 

"Then my favorite part of the house my closet which is his and hers. But I haven't dated anyone in years so that's why that back part is empty" she smiles pointing further into her closet. Going up to one of the racks she grabs a white bathing suit then goes to the drawer directly under it and gets a piece of fabric. Her phone rings on the counter. 

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