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Opening it she walks in slowly. "Murray?" She walks around and sees that it was quite making her way to his room articles of clothing all over the room and the closet was open. Maybe he left to head somewhere. Murray doesn't have a life? Deciding she was in a safe place she goes back to the kitchen and makes herself some food.

Listening to music on the Rabio she changes the station and continues to cook. " forrest hills trailer park in east road country we don't have a lot of details right now but we can  confirm the body of a Hawkins high student was discovered early this morning police have not yet released the victims name yet but we are told the currently in the process of notifying the family." Marci stops what she's doing and her eyes widen. What she saw was real and she needed to tell her friends.

Quickly slamming some money of the counter she leaves and heads to her car for what felt like the millionth time today. All she's been doing is running and eventually it will come right back at her. The drive was quick but the thought of something getting her unexpectedly made the drive feel like it was taking an eternity. But finally she arrives at Dustins house. Turning off the car she sighs before she hears a tap. Jumping up and whipping her head to the window she sees Max and she quickly calms down again.

Getting out the car she starts to walk. "Don't scare me like that Max." She mutters.

"Can you please explain why you ran out like you witnessed murder?" Max asks not know that Marci did. Her eyes well up and she blinks them away. "Well talk to me!"

"Not now!" Marci snaps.

"Yes now-"

Ringing the door bell not a second later Dustin answers. He looks at both girls. "Nice to see you Dustin, lets go to your room shall we?" The three head to his room. "Max you were here first why don't you go." Before she told Dustin anything she needed to know what Max had to say.

Max told him what she knew and Dustin was now in the processing stage. "Chrissy Cunningham? You sure it was Chrissy-"

"Yes she was in her cheerleader outfit it was the same thing She was in when I saw her with Eddie." Max responds.

"Did you tell of this to the cops?" He ask.

" no, no but i cant be the only one who saw them together I mean they stood out."

"Eddie the freak with Chrissy the cheerleader?"

"Exactly. His names not in the new yet but i guarantee you Eddie is the number one suspect right now." Max claims.

Marci finally speaks up. "Thats crazy. Eddie didn't do it." Both young teens look at her, she looks up at then and they finally take a good look at their friend, she looked like shit, she looked presentable but her face said she was on the verge of breaking. "I've read his mind, I've seen how he acts...the way he treats Dustin and Mike when he told me they were being bullied he was nice to them-"

"Yeah, thank you for listening Marci unlike some people." Dustin says glaring at Max.
"Lucas made all his sports friends Mike and me i mean no one was nice to us, no one except Eddie."

Max pauses. "Well they said the same shit about Ted Bundy. Yeah he's like a super nice guy but then he's murdering women on the weekends."

Dustin looks at her dumbfounded. "So you're saying Eddie is like Ted Bundy?"

"No im not saying, im saying we can presume anything okay but it doesn't look good for Eddie." Max reasons. Marci paces for a bit.

"I promise you Eddie wouldn't have done something like that especially how Chrissy was left." She says.

Max looks at her for a second. "How would you know? I mean like i said You practically ran out you couldn't have seen the body."

"And if you believe Eddie did it then why haven't you gone to the police?" Marci outsmarts her. Max stays quiet for a second.

"I don't know."

Both Dustin and Marci look At each other before at Max. "You don't know?" They ask at the same time.

"After i saw Chrissy and Eddie go into the trailer something else happened." She goes on to explain what had happened. "Nothing that weird or anything i mean Eddie always drives like a maniac and the power at my place goes off all the time its a piece of shit but... this morning i started to think back and i don't know the look on his face, he was scared Dustin really scared maybe he was scared because he killed someone or maybe um... maybe because i dont know maybe..." she stops in slight fear.

"Something else killed her?" Marci asks finally feeling sane again. Max nods.

"But that's impossible right?" She looks between her friends.

The now calm girl grabs a chair and sits in front of them. "Dustin i came to tell you something and since Max is here i can tell you both now..." they listen carefully. "When i was coming back from the game, i had a feeling like a gut feeling telling me something bad was gonna happen and my head was telling me to follow it but my body was driving home. And my Conscience took over-"

"-like when you closed the gate with Eleven? Where your eyes go white and you hypnotize anyone around you?" Max ask she nods her head before she continues.

"I drove to the Trailer park and instead of walking out or jumping out of the car, i levitated. But it wasn't me I couldn't feel any sign of reality my own mind was fucking me over and I couldn't use my powers. I hear a voice. She was yelling for Eddie." Both teens lean in closer. "She was practically pleading and i wish she heard me but she couldn't. She started running and then i hear another voice, it was dark and clearly scared the shit out of her...but here's the thing...i could see it-"

"What do you mean? Like you couldn't see him in your sight or-" Dustin asks.

"It was like he could only be seen in her eyes. I tried to look and even got closer to her but I couldn't see what was hurting her, then she started to levitate and her limbs where completely broken but her eyes, her eyes were bleeding out and then crushed i felt this pain go through my body as i saw her limbs break and i felt like i was being tortured." She explains looking at them straight in the eyes. "Thats why i ran from you Max, thats why I snapped because I've felt pain like this and it always makes me think when the next time it's gonna happen."

"You think someone else is gonna get killed?" Dustin asks.

"I don't know and i hope not, but right now we need to find Eddie make sure he saw what i saw Because i know he's innocent we just need him to know that we will believe him" she gets up with out another second to waste and packs some things to his backpack and tossing it to him.

"Have you told anyone?" Max asks.

"No I don't know where Lucas is haven't talked to Nancy in a while, Mike is in California and was on my way to tell Steve and Robin." Marci informs.

"Dusty where are you going?" Ms. Henderson asks worriedly.

"See a friend."

"You heard the news its not safe."

The older girl looks at her and smiles. "Good point thats why im taking them. And we'll be extra safe." She closes the door and they run to her car.


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