SEVEN- past

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***tw: mentions of abuse***

5 days later

I've been scared to see Peter for the last 5 days. I don't think him hurting the bunny was his fault, he didn't know. He just trusted me with his powers, and to try new things, maybe.

You know what they say. Serial Killers mostly start off with animals. I don't want him to become one. Or maybe i'm just going crazy.

As I'm laying in my bed, thinking about him at 3am, I can't seem to get him off my mind around this time every night. It pisses me off.

That's when I hear a knock at the door.

I startle, wondering who it is. Part of me hopes it's Peter. Hopefully. So when I walk downstairs, and look through the peephole of my door, he's standing there. I have to pinch myself to know i'm not in a dream. And i'm not.

I open up the door, and he stays there.

"Y/N? Will you stay with me?" He asks.

"Yeah. Come on." I tell him.

I don't want to act excited or anything, because I don't know what his intentions are. I'm just trying to keep in my excitement of being in his presence again. As I walk upstairs to the guest bedroom, he says,

"No. In your bed."

I don't feel like arguing, so I just him, "Sure."

As I lay down, he enters my arms. I know something is wrong.

"I've been having nightmares." He tells me.

"I have too." I also tell him.

I don't really have nightmares, just my nightmares are that I can't get him off my mind no matter what I try to do. That's my nightmare.

"You can talk to me, you know that Peter." I say.

"That's why I came here." He mumbles. "To talk to you."

I nod, knowing he can go on.

"I keep having nightmares about that rabbit. I just trusted you, Y/N. I never meant to kill anything." He says.

"I know. You didn't mean to." I say.

"Then why'd you run away? Leave me for 5 days, thinking i've lost you?" Peter asks.

Shit. I'll just be honest with him.

"I didn't want you to do it again. I was scared." I say.

He just looks in front of him.

"I'm not. I promise. What about your nightmares, Y/N?" He asks.

"I'll be honest with you, Peter. I don't get nightmares. But my nightmare is, you're always on my mind. Whatever i'm doing. I was in a important meeting yesterday. I completely got spaced out. Want to know why? Because of you. You're all I can think about Peter Ballard. At 3A.M. Before you came, you were on my mind. That's my nightmare." I truthfully vent to him.

"You should've called, Y/N. Don't think you haven't been on my mind either, because you have." He says.

"I know, and i'm sorry."

I really don't know why I haven't called.

"Can I tell you something, Y/N?" He asks

"Anything." I say.

"I've been held prisoner in Hawkins Lab with Brenner, since I was 12. I couldn't see the outside world." He says.

"I had a feeling that was true. When you first came outside, you had a look on your face as if you were in heaven." I tell him.

He periced his lips and nodded. But, I have one question lingering on my mind.

"How are you so good at sex then?" I ask.

"This is going to sound really bad. But if you were in my position, you'd be the same. I touched myself, a lot because it felt as if it was the only friend I had. When the only person you talk too for 12 years straight is Papa, you would want to do it yourself too." He says.

"Mmm. So, are you Victor Creels son?" I finally ask.

He looks at me.

"Yes. Once my father went into the mental hospital, and I got out of my coma-" He says before I stop him.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine." He says. "I woke up in Hawkins lab. Brenner never told me why he took me. I guess it's because I had that telekinesis I showed you the other day, but I shouldn't of."

"No. You can show me. Just please, don't try it, anymore on animals okay?" I ask.

"Yes, dear." Then he places a kiss on my forehead, that feels genuine. Like a kiss full of love.

"He abused me if I didn't something wrong." Peter tells me.

I feel a rush of the feeling of tears forming in your eyes, but you're not crying. So, I go on top of him and hug him. "I'm so sorry," I mumble.

"Shh. I can tell you the story later if you can't handle it." Peter says, as he starts running my back.

"No. You can go on. I want to hear what this son of a bitch did to you." I say.

"I got tased a lot. I tried to escape, but I was too small. I haven't tried to escape since I was 18. This is my escape now. You're my escape." He takes a pause.

"Anyways, if I messed up on a lesson, like didn't turn on a light using my mind or something, he would whip me." Peter continues.

"You don't deserve that. At all, after all the trauma you've been though." I say.

"It's okay, Y/N. I'm safe now, here, with you in my arms." Peter says.

I stuff my head in his shoulders even more. His grip on my back also tightens. I feel more safe.

"He made me relive the day my mother and sister were murdered in front of my faces to gain my power. I was born with something, that only I have, so him making me relive my trauma triggered the powers. But now that I have that gene, to where I have this power, It's a 50/50 chance my child gets it." Peter says.

"He's so evil he couldn't of done it in a nicer way?" I say.

"No." Peter says.

"That's Brenner for you. Im so sorry, Peter. You don't deserve this at all. We will get through this together. He's done things, to me too. It's not my place to tell you right now. But just know that I-" I pause.

I cant tell him I love him.

"That, your kind and gentle soul never deserved to go through that and-"

But he cuts me off.

"Cut it out with my story. I want to hear what he's done to you. Then we can continue, Y/N."

HEY GIYS IVE been writing this over the past 2 days bc i've been hanging out with friends and binge watching stranger things!! It's friday night, so I officially have 2 weeks left of school b4 my 8th grade graduation! also tysm for 3k reads that's crazy omg. My friend got grounded so i'm not busy anymore this weekend, so hopefully i'll upload soon. Here is my uploading schedule for the next week (hopefully)

Having 001s Child (Peter Ballard x Y/N Smut)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz