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Nerdcore Name: Internet Aaron

Teams: Shielded Nation, Silver Shield

Position: Sidelines

Energy Projection= 1

Strength= 4

Durability= 4

Fighting Skill= 5

Speed= 3

Agility= 3

Powers: Having been asked by Irovamiirh (AmazingPhil) and Hopewing, Aaron agreed to accept Terror's request to become a Shadow Jumper to, fittingly enough, the Shadow Realm. This strategic move was so that Hopewing and the rest of the Ezrali could get information on what the Doom's Alliance is planning and when.

Allies: Deadnite, Shielded Nation, Ezrali, Silver Shield, Light Realm, Irovamiirh, Hopewing

Foes: Shadow Realm, Varuso, Doom's Alliance, Terror, Red Army

WoC: dual swords, M/95, pistol

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