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Nerdcore Name: Bassed Olaf

Teams: Shielded Nation, Arcane Wings

Position: Frontlines

Energy Projection= 5

Strength= 4

Durability= 3

Fighting Skill= 4

Speed= 4

Agility= 3

Powers: Olaf was trained by the famed alchemist known as Azhira. After an 'accident', Olaf ended up being transformed into a 'cyborg', for lack of a better word. Harnessing the themed of alchemy and infinity that the ouroboros is linked with, he, with the help of WildCard and Poison Dart, designed and made a sword the harness the powers of the dragon.

Allies: Shielded Nation, Arcane Wings, WildCard, Poison Dart, Atticus, Rocketfire

Foes: Red Army, Pursuers, Doom's Alliance, The Vipers, Dracrodrome Org.

WoC: Specialized sword, himself

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