Chapter 1, Part 2: Men Dressed in All Black in The Rain Will Never Hurt You

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"We are about to die," Ray said worriedly, "This is it, this is how it ends. Frank, we need to like,- call the cops or something."

I rolled my eyes, "stop being a little bitch, we aren't going to die,...most likely." I said while I still looked outside at the man.

He waved.

I waved back, because I didn't want to be rude to our possible killer. "Frank, are you high?? Why would you wave back?!?! Now he knows we see him." Ray said, starting to hide behind the counter as he motioned for me to join him. "Don't assume he's dangerous, I mean, he could be, but that's not the point," I said, doubting my own opinion. "He may be a perfectly fine guy." "Well, if he's such a 'perfectly fine guy' then go out and talk to him." Ray said quickly. "No wa-," I started to say but I'm a stubborn person so, I instead finished with, "Okay, I will, and I'll show you how perfectly fine he is." I grabbed my raincoat and put it on as I started to open the door. Ray saluted me and said, "you were a brave, naive soldier, I will genuinely miss having someone to bully over their height." I rolled my eyes and shot him my middle finger as I opened up the door to prove my point. As I walked slowly to "my point", that may get me killed.

As I stepped closer, rain came down harder on my face. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion, every step I got closer I noticed something new about him, the color of his eyes, his expression, his posture, his eyeliner that was running down his face, he was smiling but it wasn't real.

As I walked closer, it felt as if he was getting farther and everything else was disappearing. I was alone, Ray is gone, the shop is gone, the man is gone. Everything is gone. I'm all alone..or so I thought, I heard a quiet and calm voice call out my name.

I wanted to yell, but I couldn't. I couldn't yell, I don't know why, but I just couldn't. The voice called out my name again, but this time it was louder than before. Then again the voice called out for me, this time it was angry and raspy. I tried to run but I couldn't, I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I was a bystander. I couldn't do anything.

Then, alarm went off and I woke up.
Was that a good ending ? I think I like doing like weird cliffhanger-y endings so definitely know that's going to be a thing

The Man in the Rain (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now