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During the flight Ellie remained silent. She just looked at Mark. She kept thinking about Alan and Ian and what he had planned for them.

"Oh please try not to look too disappointed."

Mark sneered at Ellie.

"Why are you doing this? What could you possibly gain from any of this?"

Ellie asked, she was trying to work out what his plan was for them.

"Why? Well for one money, and the second reason well, I knew you would be fighting for these creatures and I couldn't resist the urge to settle a score with you. You tried to ruin me Ellie and now you will pay. You're gonna pay, one way or another." Mark smirked and looked Ellie up and down.

Ellie felt nothing but fear surge through her body. She looked away from Mark and stared out of the window. She was hoping and praying that Alan and Ian were ok.

In the cargo hold Alan started to wake up. his hands and feet were tied together as he was laying down. He managed to use his strength to sit up and look around the dimly lit cargo hold.


Alan whispered as he noticed him laying across from him. He shuffled as best as he could towards Ian.

Ian groaned as he started to come around.

"What the hell happened?" Ian asked as he opened his eyes and saw Alan.

"Last I remember I was shot, Ellie was there...." Alan eyes went wide

"Ellie?! Ellie?" Alan looked around trying to find her.

Ian sat up.

"She's not here" Ian said looking toward Alan.

"Shit! Damn Mark must have taken her when he shot us.....Coward" Alan fist hit the ground in anger.

"Look I'm all for kicking that guys arse but can we focus for a second. We need to figure out where we are headed. First off we need to get out of these.......Binds." Ian smiled as he managed to get his hands free.

Ian finishes untying his feet, then turns to Alan helping untie him.

"Right what next?" Alan said, looking at Ian rubbing his wrists.

They both looked around the cargo hold.

"There, look." Ian pointed to a small porthole window.

Alan and Ian walked towards the porthole. Alan looks through and is amazed as he sees the huge BioSyn facility below. He turns to Ian.

"Think we found the facility." Alan gestured to the porthole.

"I knew it. Why don't they ever learn?" Ian shook his head.

They walked around the cargo hold trying to figure out what to do next.

"Ian we're landing." Alan looked towards Ian figuring they were running out of time to figure an escape route.

"Once we land, the psycho ex-husband will send his goons for us. We need to be ready." Ian said as he walked around looking for some form of weapon.

He stumbled across a box inside was a few pipes and a couple of tools. Alan walked over and looked in the box. He took out a wrench and Ian took out a heavy pipe.

"Right next?" Ian looked at Alan

"You're asking me?!" Alan said, surprised.

"Yeah, we are a team. I found the weapons now it's your turn." Ian smiled trying to make light of their situation.

Alan nodded and looked around. He saw a small door with two cretes.

"There, behind those crates. They will be expecting us to still be out of it or at least still tied up." Alan said as he walked towards the crates finding some hiding places.

Ian followed Alan and hid opposite him and waited.

As the plane landed, Mark turned to Ellie.

"Finally we are here. Right you stay put I will be back in a moment." Mark stood glaring at Ellie as he walked down the stairs to some guards waiting for him.

"You two grab the idiots in the cargo hold. Take them to the forest, it's about time they met an old friend" Mark grinned slowly enjoying his power. The men nodded and Mark walked back up the stairs to Ellie.

Ellie looked around, she wasn't going to sit there any longer she needed to find Alan and Ian. She got up and hid beyond the door as Mark entered. She lunged towards Mark but he was too quick for her.

"Wow, look at you. Did you really think I wouldn't have guessed your next move?" Mark grabbed Ellie's arm tight.

"You are pathetic Ellie you know that! You're not worth the energy it would take to hit you! Now follow me." Mark pulled Ellie and exited the plane.

"Oh and don't worry about them. They are on their way to meet an old friend of yours!"

Mark turned and gave Ellie a sinister look. Ellie's eyes widened as she finally knew what he had planned for Alan and Ian.

In the cargo hold Alan and Ian wait quietly as the two guards enter the cargo hold.

"Where are they? He said they would be here." One guard said as they walked further into the cargo hold.

Alan nodded to Ian and they creeped up behind the guards.


Alan and Ian knocked the guards clean out.

"Ok, should I start to worry about you?" Ian said, looking towards Alan.

Alan smiled at Ian

"Only if you start to annoy me" Alan joked and smiled at the nervous look Ian gave him.

"Consider me warned" Ian said, dropping the pipe and grabbing the rope that had previously held them both down.

They tied up the guards and hid them behind the cretes. Alan walked to the door and saw Mark dragging Ellie with him. All his anger built up as he was about to go after them. Ian pulled him back.

"Ian what?! He has Ellie. I have to get her." Alan said, angry at Ian and trying to leave.

"I understand that but listen you go out there all gun blazing, you going to play into his hands. We will get Ellie back but we have to be smart about this ok?" Ian said, reassuring him.

Alan nodded, he felt so helpless.

"Ok, let's be smart. Can we try and follow him? We can use the jungle as a cover." Alan said, pointing to the jungle. As he faced Ian he saw a slight fear in his face. He looked to see what Ian was looking at.

Alan was shocked as he saw three men tasering a Therazinasaurus.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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