Chpt 31: Aubrey Hall And Peculiarness

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Over the past couple of weeks, Edwina and the viscount have gotten extremely close. They are so close, that we are travelling to the Bridgertons ancestral home, Aubrey Hall.

"Perhaps i'll wear the pink silks at dinner tonight" Edwina said grinning from ear to ear. "Do you think Lord Bridgerton will like it?" she asked. "Of course he will Bon!" Kate exclaimed.

"You need not worry about the viscounts favour, Miss Edwina. It is an exceedingly good sign that he has invited us to spend a few days with the family, before the rest of the ton arrives for the real party" Lady Danbury said.

"What do you think Juliet?" Edwina asked. I was in my own world looking at all the wildlife outside the window. "Juliet?" Edwina said louder.

"Sorry what?" i said snapping out of my daydream. "Do you think that it is a good sign Lord Bridgerton has invited us out here?" she asked.

"Well, yes. I do not believe Anthony has ever brought someone to his ancestral home" i replied. "Yes... And this will also be good for a change of scenery, away from the ton" Edwina added.

"That's for sure" Lady Danbury mumbled. I turned swiftly around to look at her. "What's that supposed to mean?" i questioned angrily.

The truth is, ever since the races, i have not had any suitors come to visit. Edwina and Kate said that no one is talking about all the lies Cressida Cowper spread, but i think they are just trying to make me feel better.

"I am merely saying, it will be good for you to get away from the ton into country air, it may make you feel more at home. Just no business with that Bridgerton boy, not even eye contact!" Lady Danbury said.

I rolled my eyes as i bit my tongue. "I think this trip will be good for all of us!" Edwina said cheerfully. I gave her a fake smile as i nodded.

As we all got out of the carriage, we were greeted by the whole Bridgerton family, including Daphne. "Miss Bennet!" Daphne called out as she pulled me into an embrace. "How have you been?" she asked.

"I am quite well, how are you and Simon!" i asked. "We are good, we hope to have you stay soon" she said with a smile. Daphne made her way over to Kate and Anthony and i spotted Eloise taking to Edwina.

"Miss Eloise, could i speak with you?" i asked. "Miss Bennet! I... Of course but i actually have to make my way back inside, Daphne asked me to look after the baby" Eloise said frantically.

"But, Auggie is with Lady Danbury?" i said. Eloise turned bright red. "Oh yes... You right.... Anyways, talk later then!" Eloise said as she sprinted back inside.

I was beyond confused why Eloise was ignoring me, but i was going to get to the bottom of it. Benedict was with his mother and gave me a bright smile. He knew not to come over as Lady Danbury was already angry enough with me. I gave him a slight smile as i made my way inside.

As we put all our luggage in our rooms, the Bridgertons insisted that we join them in a game of Pall Mall. Fortunately for me, Beth, Emma and i would often play this game as kids. Daphne let the Sharma's and i in on all of the families tricks that they use to play the game.

"Let us toss a coin!" Colin said. "Last year you said the youngest could pick first!" Eloise exclaimed. "We should pick based on alphabetical order!" Anthony said joining in with the bickering.

"It is meant to be a game, is it not?" Edwina whispered. I chuckled and shrugged. The family continued bickering about who gets to pick the mallet first until Daphne hushed them.

"Everyone please! The only fair thing to do is to let our invited guests choose their mallets and strike first" Daphne said. They all hesitantly nodded.

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