Chpt 29: The Letters

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"Benedict? Why, Juliet what's happening!?" Alice exclaimed. "Alice! Go!" i shouted. Alice was confused, but ran to try find him. This was like nothing i had experienced before. I felt as if my heart was about to jump out of my chest and my throat would close up completely.

I ran outside as Alice ran to find Benedict. Alice looked around at everyones faces until she spotted Benedict speaking to Anthony and the Sharma's.

Alice scurried towards him. "Miss Carter?" Benedict said in confusion. "Benedict, come with me" Alice said gasping for air. "What? Why?" Benedict questioned.

"It's Juliet" Alice mumbled. Benedict's face dropped. Without hesitation, he followed her.

I made my way around the side of the building as to not be seen. I was grasping my throat for air. Juliet!" Benedict exclaimed as he saw me in my state. "Hey, what's happened?" Benedict said grabbing my shoulders lightly. I just shook my head not able to speak.

"Listen to me, breathe, okay?" Benedict said trying to help. I grabbed onto him tightly as tears formed in my eyes.

"Remember last time this happened, you felt as if you would never breathe again but you did. Just listen to my voice" he said softly.

Anthony and Kate both ran outside after seeing the hastle. "What is going on?" Kate exclaimed. "Miss Sharma, with all due respect, you should back up" Anthony said in a condescending tone.

"I'll have you know, Miss Bennet is a very close companion of mine so, no Mr Bridgerton, i will not back up" Kate said pushing past him. Kate and Anthony continued bickering as Alice was telling them to shut up.

Benedict saw that i was getting visibly uncomfortable with everyone surrounding us. "Would everyone fuck off now!" Benedict shouted. It went silent as everyone was shocked that Benedict had snapped at them. They slowly backed up and Benedict turned back towards me.

"Hey, it's just me and you. By the way, did you hear? My brother should he back from his travelling soon. To be honest with you, i don't even know where he has gone. I think it was Greece? Spain? America? He rambles on in his letters too much" Benedict said.

Benedict continued rambling on for another few minutes. I looked at him with a confused look. "What are you talking about?" i asked him. Benedict smirked and it clicked in my head. I was so focused on Benedicts rambling, that my breathing had slowed down.

I took a sigh of relief. A smile slowly crept on my face as i lunged into Benedict's arms for an embrace. "Thank you" i said quietly. I felt him squeeze me tighter as to say, "any time".

I then backed up remembering the others were still there. I stood up slowly looking at the ground. "Miss Bennet, are you... Are you quite alright?" Kate asked with concern.

"I am fine. My apologies for making all of you worried" i replied. "Okay, but... What was that?" Anthony asked. Benedict gave Anthony a "shut up" look and Anthony crossed his arms and looked at the floor.

"We should... Make our way inside" Alice said pushing Anthony and Kate through the door. Benedict turned towards me as there was a moment of awkward silence.

"Juliet, can we speak now? Properly" Benedict asked. "Okay, may i start?" i asked. "Of course" Benedict said. "Why didn't you write to me? I told you that if you write a letter and pass it onto Lady Danbury, she will send the letter to me" i said.

"Juliet, i wrote you a letter every day for 357 days" Benedict said with a small smile. My mouth dropped to the floor. " You... What?" i said in confusion.

Benedict took a step towards me. "I wrote you a letter, everyday since you left. I wrote to you everyday until you came back" Benedict said. My eyes widened in perplexity. "I... I'm sorry. I thought you did not wish to see me again after i left so abruptly" i said.

you belong with me (Benedict Bridgerton)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora