Chpt 23: Goodbyes

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It was the morning of the funeral. I was leaving in an hour and i had already packed all my bags to leave.

I decided to go for a ride before i left and go to the meadow i went to a couple of weeks ago. Last time i was there, i felt more at peace than ever there.

As i was saddling up the horse, i heard a knock on the stable door. Benedict's head peaked around the corner. "Hello" he said softly. "Hi" i said with a weak smile.

"Lady Danbury came by and said you wanted to talk to me" he said shyly. I closed my eyes in disappointment realising why she wanted me to talk to him. It was to say goodbye.

"Do you want to go for a ride? I know the perfect place" i said. He nodded and saddled up his horse that he rode here.

I guided him to the meadow and we tied the horses up to the tree. I sat down and leaned against the tree, patting the grass as to tell Benedict to sit beside me.

"So, how are you feeling about today?" he asked. "To be honest, i don't know if i can face it" i said with a sad chuckle. Benedict looked at me with a sorrowful look.

"So... When will you be back?" he said looking at the ground. I had a gut feeling he already knew what i was going to say. "I won't be back..." i mumbled.

He looked at me with a disappointed and almost angry look. He scoffed as he stood up in front of me. "So, after everything your just going to leave? One thing goes wrong and you run?" he shouted.

I looked at him with a frightened look. "I... I'm sorry that came out wrong" Benedict said taking a step back and lowering his voice. "Beth always used to say that. She said that when we things got difficult, i'd run" i said look at the floor.

Benedict put his hand over his mouth and his back to me. "Will you ever be back?" he asked. "I don't know" i said fiddling with my hands. He shook his head with disappointment.

"I haven't found a husband yet so, maybe if Lady Danbury wants me back but i can't be sure" i said. "What about... What about us?" Benedict said turning around. I stayed quiet looking at the ground.

He bit his bottom lip and scoffed. I stood up and tried to make him face me. "Benedict, Benedict please" i said with tears rolling down my face trying to make Benedict meet my eyes.

When he finally stopped fighting me, i saw his eyes filled with tears. My breath started to tremble.

"I don't regret, one single day with you. You... You are my person. And i don't think i'll ever find anyone like you again" i said through gasps.

Benedict tears started to roll down his face. I wiped his tears and kissed his cheeks. I then kissed his lips lightly and he kissed me back.

I put my forehead against his. "I love you" he said with a shaky voice. I laughed softly. "I love you too" i said with a sad smile. I took his hand and put it against my tear stained cheeks. "I'm yours okay. Remember that" i said.

After a moment, i broke free of his grip and quickly got on my horse and left. As i rode home, i couldn't keep in my tears. I didn't want to leave, but i knew if i stayed, i'd probably end up doing more harm to Benedict than good.

When i arrived back, i grabbed my suitcase and it was time to say my goodbyes to Lady Danbury. "So..." i began. "So is right" Lady Danbury said with a small chuckle looking at the floor. "Thank you... For everything Lady Danbury" i said.

Lady Danbury stayed silent for a moment. "You must know, i've had lots of sponsors come and go. But you Miss Bennet, you were my favourite by far" she said with a soft smile.

Without saying anything, i pulled Lady Danbury into a tight embrace. "I'll miss you... So much" i said with a bittersweet smile. Lady Danbury gave a sad chuckle.

"Now, you best get going" she said pulling out of the embrace. I nodded slowly. "Take care of yourself Miss Bennet, alright?" she said. I gave a sad nod.

Lady Danbury walked me to the carriage as we said our final goodbyes. As the carriage began to leave,i heard a loud voice stop the carriage. As i opened the door, i saw Simon.

"Simon? What are you doing i have to leave" i said. "Your leaving already!?" he asked surprised. "Yes, Beths funeral is today, i'm going home... For good" i said. Simon sighed and hung his head.

"Yes... Of course, i'm so sorry i didn't know. I just came to say... Thank you, for everything this season. And, Daphne and i have rekindled our spark" he sid with a soft smile. I gave him a bright smile back.

"I'm happy for you Simon. Now, i'll see you in what, another ten years?" i said sarcastically with a small laugh. "No! No, this time, it's different. I'm different. I'll write to you, as much as i can" he said. I gave him a half smile.

"Now, good luck, and stay strong okay?" he said. I nodded and he shut the carriage door. As i rode home, i took a deep breath in and looked back as Lady Danbury's house faded away.

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