Chapter 114: His Position as an Official Was Restored

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Just as the mother and daughter were having a good time, Yun Gang returned home in a good mood. However, before he could enter the main house, Yun Gang heard Yun Lian and Liu Fang arguing in front of the main door of the Yun residence.

He secretly cursed in his heart. The matters at home really did not make him feel at ease at all. However, Yun Gang was in a particularly good mood today and did not care about such a small matter. He still strode into his own house.

"What's wrong? Can't you two stop for a while?" The first thing Yun Gang did when he entered the house was to ask what had happened, which made Liu Fang angry again.

"Oh, look what this little bitch did. She broke my egg."

Seeing Yun Gang come back, Liu Fang stopped what she was doing. Let's tell Yun Gang what Yun Lian did wrong today.

Yun Lian thought that Yun Gang would probably beat her up and scold her as Liu Fang did. She had already prepared herself to accept her fate, but there was no storm that she expected.

"I thought it was something serious that made you so angry. Isn't it just an egg? What's the big deal about it?"

Yun Gang looked generous and did not take the egg that was broken on the ground seriously.

"What?" Liu Fang felt very strange. She did not understand why Yun Gang acted so abnormal today.

"Yun Lian, go find some more eggs to cook. Our family has been eating some tasteless vegetarian dishes these days, so it's time to change the taste of our food," Yun Gang instructed Yun Lian.

Yun Lian was also very surprised. She did not understand how there could be such a big change in personality all of a sudden.

"Did something happen to you? Did you find a new job in the town? Or did you run into some great luck?"

Liu Fang asked a series of questions one after another.

Yun Gang did not know whether to laugh or cry because of his wife's question. He knew that Liu Fang was trying to make up for the uneasiness that she had felt for so many days.

"I have been reinstated. I can go back to my old job in the town tomorrow as usual."

"What?" Liu Fang was very surprised. "So, can our family live as we did before? We don't have to be so stringent and uptight anymore! We don't have to be calculative with others, and we don't have to bother about others anymore, right?"

There was more joy than surprise in Liu Fang's words.

"Of course. I can still go back to my original job. Moreover, our family doesn't have to worry about others' gossiping anymore. Isn't that good?"

After listening to Yun Gang's words, Liu Fang finally relaxed. A smile finally appeared on her face, which hadn't appeared in a long time.

"That's great. The Heavens are on our side!"

"Didn't your previous boss make things difficult for you? Now that you've been restored to your original position, he won't continue to make things difficult for you, right?" Liu Fang thought of the previous leader who refused bribery and even dismissed Yun Gang. Liu Fang asked with a worried tone, afraid that the happiness now would be over in a flash.

"Of course not. This time, I was restored to my original position because of him. The matter of him accepting gifts and bribes had been reported by someone, and the higher-ups had specially sent people to investigate him. They found that all the evidence was true, so they dismissed him."

Yun Gang paused for a moment and he looked pleased.

"The higher-ups then started to deal with some of the unjust, false, and wrong cases that he handled. I was also very lucky. At that time, the accusation that he gave me was fabricated, and it was immediately discovered by the higher-ups. They felt that I was wronged so they informed me and let me be reinstated."

After Yun Gang's words, Liu Fang finally felt at ease.

She finally did not have to continue weaving straw covers every day. This way, she could still be the wife of an official, and she could continue playing Mahjong with her former Mahjong friends.

"The heavens have really opened their eyes. They've taken away this evil person. Our family can finally live a peaceful life like before."

Seeing that his wife was finally relieved, Yun Gang also felt much better. He was also feeling a little tired.

"Yun Lian, hurry up and cook the egg. Let our family have a good meal tonight." Yun Gang laid down for a nap after giving Yun Lian instructions.

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