How they met

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Pov: Alador broke up with Darius. So after school he decides to take a walk in the woods to take his mind off it.

"Ugh I can't believe Alador broke up with me!..and for that b*tch Odalia..I guess that promise meant nothing to him after all?..."
Darius was mad at Alador for breaking their childhood promise.
"I really should try to take my mind off it before I go home..maybe taking a walk in the woods might do it?"
Darius then goes to the nearby woods
"The last time I was here was with Alador when we were kids..."
Darius then slaps himself
"No Darius you didn't come here for memories you came here to take your mind off the break up!"
Darius then goes into the woods
"It's been years yet the woods still look as gloomy as ever."
Darius then hears a yelp of pain
"What was that? it didn't sound like it was near by?.."
Darius walks deeper into the woods to hopefully find who made that yelp
"I really shouldn't be going deep into the woods l'll probably get lost...but if someone got hurt they might need help"
After walking around for a while Darius heard another yelp
"That sounded like it was close this time.."
Darius then found who was making the yelps it was a type of dog? stuck in a hunters trap
"Hey are you ok?.."
Darius said as he walked closer to the dog thing
???: *Tries to themselves out of the trap before Darius gets to them*
"Don't do that you're just going to make it worse!"
???: *stops*
Darius looked at the dog that was stuck in the trap
"I'm going to help you just don't panic ok?"
???: *nods head*
Darius then grabbed ahold of the trap and gets it off the dog
???: *Looks up and Darius then turns around and starts to walk away but is finding it hard because their limping*
Darius gets up and walks to the limping dog picking them up
???: *Bites Darius*
"Ow!- can you calm down? I'm not planning on hurting you!"
???: ...
Darius then turns the dog to look at him
"Hm you don't look like a normal dog"
???: *barks*
"Sorry but I don't speak dog-"
The dog wolf thing looks annoyed
"Oh right I just said I would help you-"
Darius pulls out de infection spray and some bandages and starts helping the hurt dog
"I didn't wrap the bandages on too tight did I?"
???: *shakes head*
"It should probably heal in the next few days"
???: *Puts a paw on Darius shoe*
???: *Rubs against Darius leg*
"So that's your way of saying thank you huh?" Darius said smiling
???: *Nods*
"You're really sweet when you're not trying to bite me-"
Darius ends up staying with the wolf for a few hours
"Oh it's starting to get dark I should really be heading was nice meeting you wolf"
???: *Barks*
"We might see each other again so don't worry"
???: *Nods
Darius leaves but before he could get very far he heard the wolf yelp in pain again
"Oh shoot what did that silly little wolf do this time?"
Darius then goes back to check on the wolf but he sees something bad. Some hunters were hurting them
"Hey leave the wolf alone!"
The two hunters then turn around
Hunter number 2: Sir what do we do?!
Hunter number 1: Calm down he's just a kid
"I may be a kid but I won't hesitate to kick your asses if you don't leave right now!"
Hunter number 1: Well this kid is sassy. Deal with him
Hunter number 2: You got it sir!
The hunter then sends vines at Darius but Darius just blocked them
Hunter number 2: You're good kid but how long do you think you can just block? *send more vines at Darius*
Darius keeps on blocking them and he looks at his new wolf friend that's barely avoiding hunter number 1 attacks
Hunter number 1: Ugh hold still you mutt! *sends vines at the wolf and it's about to hit them*
Darius quickly put a abomination wall before the vines hit the wolf
"Get out of here I can deal with them!"
???: *Nods but hesitates to leave but ends up running of*
Hunter number 1: *Tries to go after the wolf but another abomination wall comes out and blocks the hunter from leaving*
"I don't think so"
Hunter 1: Fine I guess we just have to get rid of you
"You can try"
The hunters keep on fighting Darius but all he does is block
Hunter 2: Are you really just gonna continue blocking instead of attacking back?
"Well that's my plan for now at least"
Hunter 1: *Stops attacking* I see what you're trying to do kid you're trying to tire us out
"Oh I thought that was clear to begin with"
After a few more minutes of fighting/blocking the hunters managed to break down Darius abomination wall but it was too late the wolf they were after was long gone
Hunter 1: This is all you're fault kid *sends a vine at Darius*
Darius fails to block it in time and gets pretty badly hurt
Hunter 2: Don't worry sir we can just look for it again tomorrow
Hunter 1: Hm you're right leave now.
Hunter 2: Are we really just gonna leave this beat up brat alone in the woods at night?
Hunter 1: Yeah it's payback for getting in our way
Hunter 2: ...Ok
The hunters both leave
"Ow...that hurt a lot"
The wolf comes out of no where
"Wolf? were you hiding in a tree this hole time?"
???: *Nods head*
"Oh well I'm glad you're ok *pets the wolf*
???: *Nods and rubs against Darius*
Darius sighs
"Mother is gonna flip out when I return home it's so late!"
Darius gets up
"Wait but I don't know how am gonna get back I'm lost"
???: *Taps Darius with their paw*
"What is it wolf?"
???: *Barks*
"Oh you want me to follow you?"
The wolf nods their head
"Ok then lead the way"
After a few minutes of walking they make it outside of the woods
"Ha. Thanks for showing me the way out wolf"
???: *Barks*
"Well I hope to see you around bye"
???: ...
Darius started to leave
"Today was crazy I went into the woods to clear my head but instead of doing that I met a wolf and helped it twice!"
After a few more minutes of walking Darius had a feeling that someone was following him
"Is someone following me?-"
???: *Barks*
"Wait wolf?!-"
Darius turns around and looks down to see the wolf
"Uhhh hi do you want something?-"
???: *Barks*
"I'm confused what do you want?"
???: *Barks again and rubs against Darius*
"Wait do you want to come with me?-"
The wolf nods and then jumps onto Darius shoulder
"Oh uhhh I don't see why you can't come with me so welcome?-"
???: *Barks happily*
"Well if you're gonna be hanging around me I should probably know you're name"
???: *Confused bark*
"By the sounds of that bark you don't have one"
???: *Shakes head*
"I guess l'll give you one"
???: *Nods*
"Hmmm how about Eberwolf?"
Eberwolf: *Barks happily*
"Then I guess you're name is Eberwolf!"

How Darius and Eberwolf met //A headcannon storyWhere stories live. Discover now