"Seriously?" Steve said as his eyes immediately went to her chest.

"My eyes are up here," Lila grumbled, "What are you supposed to be? Yourself?" Steve looked like he dressed every single day, which was usually incredibly preppy.

"I'm a movie star."

"Is it because you work at Family Video?"

"Listen, never mind. You look great." Lila rolled her eyes as he refused to move the car. "You didn't say it back."

"Because your costume is lame."

"Okay, Tinker Bell."

Steve began driving the car as Lila kicked her feet up onto his dash in silent revenge. Steve refused to say anything so he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of bothering him.

The party wasn't far from her house, so the quiet drive wasn't necessarily unsettling. Instead, Steve even opened the door for her as they walked into the party together. The music was blaring through the house when they both entered, as multiple people her age approached Steve with ecstatic mannerisms. Even when graduated he still held an air of superiority over everyone in the school that lived up to his nickname, King Steve.

"I'm gonna go over there," Steve nudged her as he nodded toward a girl standing with her friends.

"Maybe number 234 will be the lucky winner," Lila teased. The boy had been on multiple dates since the Fourth of July, which all ultimately ended in him deeming them unfit.

Lila watched him go as she grabbed some of the drinks she saw around her, and before she knew it her head was beginning to feel fuzzy. The girl made her way back over to Steve who was still talking to the girl from earlier.

"I wanna go," Lila tugged at his sleeve, "I don't feel good."

"Why don't you go get a ride from the Freak?" the girl sneered.

"We'll leave in a minute," Steve assured Lila.

"You're just gonna listen to her?" the girl questioned.

"Don't try to boss Steve around," Lila grumbled, "You're just another girl he's gonna ditch after he realizes how boring you really are."

The girl stared at Lila in disbelief before her face turned into something furious. "That's why you're friends with a demonic freak! It's because his parents abandoned him, and rightfully so." She looked to Steve as if her words would impress him. Lila doesn't know what came over her, but she punched her right in the nose and the girl's blood gushed onto her hand.

Lila was furious as she turned and walked from the house with Steve calling for her. All that was on the blonde's mind was making it to the high school for Dustin. She'd forgotten about him and now felt terrible she had, especially since there was no clock or watch to tell her if she was late or not.

She stumbled through the roads of Hawkins with the occasional car speeding past or kids coming home from trick or treating until the last house light on the street shut off. Yet, no one even questioned her hand covered in dried blood. To anyone else, she looked like a murderous fairy from Halloween stumbling home after drinking. Only half of the statement would be true.

The school felt like miles as she finally pushed through the doors and called out Dustin's name until she heard the sound of voices coming from one of the rooms. Pushing open the door, Lila burst into the room to find Hellfire Club whose heads turned to look at her.

INTO HELL [e. munson]Where stories live. Discover now