9 - Spider-Man?!

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Peter pov.
"So... Who's your favorite Hero?"

I looked at Hawkeye who decided to stick with me for an unknown reason.

I then went back to studying the blueprints that Tony gave me.

"Well. I can't really decide between Iron man, You and Black Widow. What about you?"

"My favorite hero is me."

"Let me Form it different. Who's your favorite hero other than you."

"Spider-Man or Black Widow."

I froze and looked shocked at my hands.


"Yeah. You don't know him? He's cool."

"Tell me about him."

I continued what I was doing.

"Well... He goes by Spider-Man or the friendly Spider-Man from the Neighborhood. He helps the people in Queens and stops the thieves where the police is not fast enough."

"Sounds like a good man."

"He definitely is. We are right now trying to find him and talk to him. We want to ask him if he wants to join us Avengers."

"But if he helps the small people, what makes him want to join you to fight the big guys."

"That's not exactly what I meant."

I looked at up at him.

"What did you mean then?"

"He can of course continue his doing but if he doesn't join us, Shield will try to catch him or in the worst case even kill him."

I looked shocked at Clint who looked pity full down to the floor.

"Kill him? Why would they do that?!"

"I... I don't really know. But I think it has to do with Hydra."

I looked at my phone and saw that Tony wrote.


Are you and Bird brain hungry?
Cap made pancakes.

On our way:)

I put my phone into my hoodie pocket and looked at Clint.

"Captain America made pancakes."

He perked up and ran upstairs screaming 'Food' loudly.

"Hey! Wait."

I followed him but I didn't run. Instead I just walked but fast.

When I arrived in the kitchen I saw every Avenger. Well... Almost every Avenger sitting there, eating pancakes.

I walked over to Eira and sat down on the free chair next to her.

I felt eyes on me but I just concentrated on my daughter.

She was smiling wide, while enjoying the pancakes.

She looked at me and was about to say something before I stopped her.

"No talking with a full mouth."

She nod and gulped. After that she coughed one time and then grinned at me.

"You have to try them. They're so good. Well. Not as good as yours but they are still really really good."

I chuckled lightly and took a piece of the pancake, eating it.

My eyes widened from shock. They were so damn good. Definitely better then mine and maybe even better then Aunt May's.

"They definitely are."

I smiled at her and swirled through her hair.



I looked to where the sound came from and saw that everyone was staring at us.

I smiled awkwardly and continued eating the pancake. After I finished mine I looked at Eira who was waiting for me to finish.

As soon as she saw that I was ready, she jumped down and ran to the couch.

But before she arrived there I webbed her to the ground.

"Don't you think you forgot something?"

She looked confused at me and I pointed at her fingers.

"Oh... Sorry Dad."

I smiled at her and threw a like a perfume looking bottle over to her which she catched with ease.

She sprayed it at the web and and threw it back to me, leaving to what I hope is the bathroom.

"You're Spider-Man?!"

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