Chapter 2: Strategy X

Start from the beginning

"Ah, locker 290. That was easy." Cain said.

He started to use his combination as the locker was unlocked. He started putting his stuff in. He grabbed his books out of his backpack as he closed his locker until he was shoved against by the blonde muscle dude with a school jacket.

"Well, well, well, looks like we got fresh meat in our school." Duncan said.

"Yeah, fresh meat."

Scott was walking with a girl until she spotted Duncan and his goons were picking on Cain on his first day. Jean noticed it from her group of friends.

"Here's the deal, newbie. Give me your lunch money every day and I won't mess up that pretty face of yours." Duncan said.

The crowd of students were looking at Duncan as he was grinning. He was waiting for Cain to give in like the rest of the students that he and his goons bullied.

"There is a big difference between you and me." Cain stated.

"Oh and what's that?" Duncan asked.

Then Cain grabbed his hand and twisted it around his back. He was crying out in pain as Cain kicked the other jock in the gut and back handed him in the face. He pushed Duncan out of the way as the other Jock tried to attack him but Cain gave him a sidekick in the jaw. The crowd of the students were cheering for Cain.

"You're dead, newbie." Duncan stated.

He tried to punch a few times but Cain dodge them with ease until he grabbed Duncan's arm. Duncan was looking at Cain as he grinned. Cain started to spin Duncan around clockwise and counterclockwise. In a split second, Cain grabbed Duncan's belt while his pants dropped showing his heart boxers and tied his arm to his leg. Duncan was hopping around while everyone was laughing at him. Duncan fell to the ground whie everyone was still laughing at him.

"Oh and Jock boy, don't mess with me." Cain said, kicking the can over.

The whole students were laughing at him some more as they crowded Cain to congratulate him for standing up against Duncan and his friends. Jean and Scott were looking at each other as Scott just smirk as a sign of approval.

=== Flashback end ===

Duncan was gritting his teeth because of the humiliation from that day. He was looking at Tolansky as he was getting ready to punch him, but Scott ran up to Duncan and grabbed him as he threw him at his pals while Tolansky hopped off. Cain was looking at how high he can jumped which he knew that Tolansky would be a mutant.

Duncan's friends were trying to help him up but then decided to try and chase Tolansky, but Cain stood in their way. He gave them a right hook along with a dropped kick as they dropped to the ground.

"Big mistake, Summers." Duncan said,

He tried to attack them, but Cain was waiting for the opportunity to face off against the Jock. He caught Duncan's wrist before he brought his knee into Duncan's gut to knock the wind out of him. He twisted Duncan's arm behind his back while Scott was about to hit him.

"Scott, Cain no!"

Cain hissed becaused he hated it when she did that. He doesn't like it when she and Charles use this telepath to enter his mind. He looked over to see Jean was standing next to Luna. Duncan took this as opportunity to break free from the hold and grabbed Cain and pushed him into Scott. They both fell to the ground as Scott's shades to fall off and his optic blasts fired at a gas tank. Cain was using his Oni powers where his right hand turned into an Oni arm. He covered Scott's eyes as he grunting in pain from the beam while he used his free hand to absorb the fire which was hurting him. He was holding back Scott's powers while Jean used her telekinesis to levitate Scott's shades to Cain as he placed them over Scott's face. He got up and helped Scott to his feet.

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