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California 1973

It was a bright and sunny day in suburbia. The birds were chirping and laughter filled the air. The soft hum of car engines are heard about every corner.

"Peter! Give it back!"

"HA. Not gonna happen."

The beeping of a truck interrupts the commotion. Leaving the three to look where the awful noise had been coming from.

"Hey Alice? What's that?"
"Well it seems to be a moving truck."
"Alice? Do you know where that beeping is coming from?"
"Well Mr.Brady, if I had to guess I'd say it's coming from over there."
"Would you look at that." Mr.Brady saws in awe
"Oh how lovely. We'll finally have new neighbors" a gentle voice chimes.

Four more ears had been listening in on the conversation from the comfort of their porch.

"Great new neighbors." A teenage boys voice rings out in annoyance.

Johanna Smith had been watching everything go by her car window as her family made their way to their new house. She had seen trees, desert, trains,cities, you name it. All had been a decent change in scenery, but none of it was enough to make the dark cloud in the back of her mind go away.
"Well kids. We're here!" Mr.Smith says, all too cheery for her liking.

Johanna pried her eyes away from the book she had been reading, only to see what had caused her dread. Their new residence. She couldn't help but glare at the place. Sure, it was a nice house but it was the reason they were there that made her loathe it.

" It's gonna be alright y'know?" Her brothers voice snapped her out of her trance.
"How do you know that Jesse? This place is full of squares! There's no hippies on the side of the road, no wannabe rockers milling about. Where's the liveliness?"
With a huff she began to gather her belongings that had been strewn about the car, avoiding any further conversation with Jesse.

"Johanna, Jesse! Get a move on!" Their dads' voice booms, probably disrupting the peace of the neighbors. They look at each other, annoyance etched onto both of their faces.
"Coming dad!" The two say in unison.

The siblings step out of the car and onto the green grass of their new lawn. It would take some getting used to for sure. Johanna takes in the sights around herself, wishing that this was all a bad dream. With an audible sigh, she trudge up the driveway and into the house.


After her parents showed her where her new room was, she was quick to gather her luggage from the car and into the house. As she set her last suitcase down, Johanna looked out the window to see her mother waving at her to come downstairs-The girl spun on her heel with a sigh making her way out the door.

"You waved?"

"Yes dear. We need you to start getting your boxes out of the truck so we can get the bigger stuff out."
Mrs.Smith says as she points to Johanna's boxes.

"Anything else mom?" Johanna tried to sound genuine, but her sarcastic nature took the ropes.

"Could you help Joy get her boxes in as well?" Maybe she was wrong about her sarcastic nature. The girl nodded her head and began to unload the never ending flow of boxes from the bed.

It probably took about a solid hour or two before they had finished. With the last box being my her own, Johanna made her way to the dull room she had been given.
The girl walked through the door and first thing she could think to do was to get her turntable plugged in.
"This will lift up my spirits for sure." She thought as she dug through a few boxes before she found it. Johanna sat down on her window sill and watched the night sky. Once those riffs came pouring out of the speakers, all of her troubles washed away.

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