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The awaited event finally came, and as expected, there are many people wearing the costumes their favorite characters have, there are also people who takes pictures to every cosplayers. Mark nervously walked behind Yukhei's back, avoiding any gaze. "Mark? You okay?"

"Y-Yeah! I'm just nervous..." He suddenly felt Yukhei's hands holding his. "It'll be alright." Yukhei's reassuring smile made him calm down, he finally showed up beside him. "Did you actually dyed your hair?" Mark touched Yukhei's now blonde hair. "Yeah, I got really bored last night and also too lazy to buy a wig so this should be fine. Do I look okay?" Mark may be afraid to admit it, but long blond hair suits him, the hairband was a plus points. "You look hotter than usual, not gonna lie." Mark's comment made Yukhei instantly blush, making his hand travel through his hair.

"Look! It's Takeda and Ukai!" Mark's anxiety came back when he saw a bunch of girls running towards them. He looked at Yukhei, showing him how nervous he was. "It'll be fine Mark, I'm here." Those reassuring words made Mark smile at the sweet man in front of him, gaining the same confidence Yukhei had. They faced the people with smile on their faces, and entertaining them as well.

"Thank you." Mark bowed at the couple before wrapping his hand around Yukhei's, he then sighed in exhaustion, he never thought that those kind of events can be really tiring. "You okay?" Mark nodded in response to Yukhei's question, snuggling closer to him while watching some cosplayers come and go. "I never thought that cosplay events can be this tiring, but it was a great experience." Both of them stood up when they noticed someone walking towards their spot, and as the man went closer to them, they realized that it was just Jungwoo.

It's his friend again...

"I never thought you guys would be here today." They were greeted by Jungwoo's smile, making them smile as well. "Oh, this was Yukhei's idea. But I'm not complaining, this is actually pretty fun." Trying to be as friendly as possible, Mark responded with a wide, warm smile. "It's pretty obvious since Yukhei is into these things." Both of them then let out an awkward laugh, then again, it was followed by silence.

"I'm glad that you finally joined here, Yukhei." The high atmosphere finally returned all thanks to Jungwoo...

Except for Mark's atmosphere, he didn't feel included in their conversation at all.

"Yeah, I actually thought about this for two months since I find it fun and interesting. And since Mark is also here, I also wanted to experience this with him." Yukhei proceeded to hold Mark's hand and gave it a little squeeze. "Oh, I never thought you'd come here together, you usually walk around alone." While the conversation kept going, Mark just right beside them chose not to listen and shut his mouth. He thought that it was a great opportunity to spend time with Yukhei, but ever since his friend came, he felt the feeling he never experienced.

Anger? Sadness? Or was it Jealousy?

But why am I feeling like this towards my lover's look alike?

"Excuse me for a second, I'll buy something for us three." Yukhei's words cut Mark's train of thoughts off, the last thing he saw before he internally panicked was when Yukhei waved at them and walked away. After that, the awkwardness of the two started again. "Um, Mark?" He immediately turned his attention to Jungwoo, hearing someone who isn't close to him calling his name makes his heartbeat abnormally increase. "Yes?" Mark kept his eye contact with Jungwoo which was also giving him a chilly smile. "You once lived in a house that is now abandoned near this place, right?" Mark's awkward face instantly turned into shock and confusion after hearing that. "W-What house exactly?"

"The one where the famous urban legend was created, I know that you know that. You lived there, right?"

"H-How did you know?" Mark began sweating so badly, him trying to maintain the eye contact would now be impossible. "I just saw you  entering that abandoned house once, so I asked a few people about it." Jungwoo replied, obviously with his usual cute smile. "Oh, is that so?" Mark let out an awkward chuckle, still avoiding Jungwoo's eyes. "Yeah, I'm sorry I scared you."

"Nah, it's fine."

"Well, you can give me a tour around the house since I've always been curious about what's inside of it and I want to be close to you too, if that's okay with you." Mark got confused at Jungwoo's sudden request, but he can't say no.

Can he?

"Y-Yeah sure, I guess I'm free tomorrow, maybe tomorrow night." Mark responded before silence covered them again, but this time, it's not that awkward anymore. While Mark was watching the people coming past through them, his eyes landed on Jungwoo's hand. His attention got lured on the small tattoo which was located on his ring finger.


"Hey guys, sorry I took a bit long. I bought some sweets for us." Yukhei happily handed them the snacks he just bought, which they also happily accepted. "You two are so happy today, did I miss something?"

"No, it was just a normal conversation. I am glad that we're getting along really well." Jungwoo replied with a warm smile. "Oh! I almost forgot! I have to go to work today, I'm sorry but I really have to go now. Thanks for the time and snacks guys." Jungwoo added before walking away quicker than usual. "Man, he must be late now... Anyway, how do you feel?"

"I feel great! Actually, this isn't bad after all. How about you? How do you feel?" Yukhei took a deep breath, preparing to burst his enthusiasm. "I feel so great! I never thought that it could be more enjoyable than I expected! Especially with you, Mark." Mark was deeply flattered at Yukhei's reply, he tried to hide his smile that was a bit too noticeable. That sweet smile Yukhei saw made him smile as well. "By the way, Jungwoo said that he wants to meet me tomorrow at my old house, he said he wants to explore the inside. I'm scared to say no so I agreed."

"Oh, okay. Can you tell me what time you're going to meet him? Do you want me to come with you just in case?" Yukhei asked him with his extremely worried tone. "I told him I'm free tomorrow night, and I'll be fine on my own, it's not that he's going to murder me or something, right?" Mark jokingly said.

Yukhei gave Mark a moment of silence to think, his smile instantly dropped when he heard those words. He didn't know what to say. Should he come with him just in case something happens? Or should he let them do their own business since he's not holding Mark's life in hostage? "Yukhei?"

"A-Ah yes! You can go tomorrow, just let me know if you're okay." Mark nodded before opening his mouth for another spoonful of snacks, and while he was chewing the food, he opened his mouth again to say something. "By the way, I saw a pretty tattoo on Jungwoo's finger, it says 'Clementine'. I wonder who she is, it's a beautiful name." Yukhei's eyes widened, as if the entire world has stopped moving.

I knew it...

My Guardian *Demon* #2 <LuMark>Where stories live. Discover now