Chapter 2

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Jennie heard the mechanical whoosh of the doors that led into the E.R. and jerked her head up.

If anyone asked, she wasn't looking for someone in particular. She wasn't. She was just being an attentive, focused doctor. She was definitely not looking for the warm brown eyes and beaming grin that had invaded her dreams every night for the past few weeks.

It felt a little odd to wish for Lisa to come back into the E.R. She didn't want to wish injury on anyone. She had taken an oath to do no harm, and here she was, wishing that another chihuahua would use the flirty firefighter as a chew toy.

When Lisa wasn't dropping by with a job-related injury, she found herself missing the harmless flirtations they enjoyed. It was fun and easy and didn't have to mean anything.

It was the first time in a long time that Jennie had laughed and smiled and felt light. It didn't hurt that Lisa was insanely attractive and seemed to think she was as well. It didn't hurt one bit that every sweet, seductive word that left the firefighter's lips made her heart flutter.

"Incoming!" Jill called out, rushing by the nurse's station. Jennie immediately shot to her feet and hurried after her boss, feeling adrenaline rush through her just like it did every time there was action in the E.R.

She bounced from foot to foot next to Jill in the ambulance bay and watched the red and white vehicle, with the sirens blaring, race into the lot and screech to a halt. The rear doors flew open, revealing two paramedics, an older gentleman on a gurney, and-

"Hey there," Lisa said, her smile huge and beaming despite the dark soot spread across her right cheek.

Jennie ignored the way her stomach jumped at the sight of Lisa Manoban and focused on the paramedics, but not before offering her a small smile of her own.

"This isn't social hour, Manoban," Frank grumbled from his spot on the gurney.

"What do we got?" Jill barked, her hands on her hips.

"To be honest, not much," one of the paramedics mumbled.

Jennie snorted and hid her mouth behind her gloved hand. She felt Jill glare at her and tried to work her mouth down into a frown. She knew Jill wasn't her biggest fan, and if she wanted to make a name for herself in this hospital, she needed not to run afoul of the older doctor so soon.

"Frankie hurt his thumb during a training exercise," Lisa laughed, jumping out of the back of the ambulance.

"Manoban, I swear to God," Frank hissed, pushing himself up into a seated position as soon as the EMTs had pulled the gurney out of the back.

"Possible break of the left thumb. Probable sprain. Definite dramatics," the other paramedic declared, his attention on Jill and Jennie.

"This one's yours, Jane. I have more important things to do," Jill sighed, spinning on her heel and hustling back into the E.R.

"Call Doris," Frank said, cradling his left hand against his chest. "This might be the end."

"You want me to interrupt her workday to watch your hand bruise?" Lisa asked, lifting her eyebrows a little.

Jennie snorted again, unable to hide it this time. She shook her head at the interaction between Lisa and her coworker and then looked to the paramedics. "I got it from here, boys," she said, grabbing onto the base of the gurney.

"I could fire you," Frank warned, sending a glare in Lisa's direction.

"But you love me," she grinned, grabbing onto the gurney to help Jennie move Frank inside.

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