Chapter 16 ~ Dada

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I'm sitting on the couch, cleaning up Aurora's wound. And I'm freaking out.

I put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and gently dab it onto her scraped knee as she kisses from the pain.

I stop to look up at her to make sure she is okay but right now all she is doing is closing her eyes tight and looking away from me.

I go back to cleaning up the wound, but the only thing on my mind is that for the first time, me and Aurora are making skin to skin contact.

One of my hands is under her knee, propping it up so I can see the wound perfectly. I can't help but use that hand and rub small circles around the area, hoping that it's calming her down.

I then wrap up her knee with some gauze and secure it with some gauze tape. "All done." I say. Her eyes snap open and look down to her knee.

"Thank you." She looks back up to my face and makes eye contact with me. My smile drops and so does hers when we reach the 5 second stare.

We get interrupted by Laklyn's cries. He is squirming on the mat as fresh tears come out. I make my way over to him and rest him on my shoulder while whispering softly in his ear.

I look back to Aurora who has her eyes closed and is snoring a little bit. I smile, she must be tired. She was most likely taking a walk because she couldn't sleep.

I would know since me and Laklyn were doing the same.

I notice that Laklyn has stopped crying and when I turn my head to look at him, he's staring right at Aurora with agape mouth, his eyes still blood red from crying.

"Is that Rory?" I say in a soft voice. It's my first time saying her nickname. I love it, but that's what everyone calls her.

As if he hears my voice he looks to me and then looks back to Aurora and points. I smile almost a bit too wide and walk over to the couch and sit next to her with Laklyn.

Not even a second after we sit, he squirms out of my hold and struggles to crawl to her. I watch as he desperately tries and makes his way to her.

It's a sight to see really. My son takes such a liking to a young woman like her. Laklyn must be reading my thoughts because he and I both think about her way too much.

I think as a single dad it's amazing to watch your baby grow to like someone else. Someone who could be seen as a mother figure.

I watch as he uses his hands to crawl up her chest and lay his head on her shoulder, his hands going to her arm and clutching her sleeves.

I lean back on the couch and face the two, drifting to sleep with these two on my mind.

A perfect family.


I wake up to the sun beaming through the front windows. I take a second to open my eyes and fully wake up before looking next to me and seeing Laklyn and Aurora gone.

She wouldn't have kidnapped him... right?

As soon as I'm about to get up, I hear a familiar baby giggle coming from the kitchen and now I know that the two are with each other.

I get up from my spot and head to the kitchen, seeing Aurora sit on the chair at the table with Laklyn sitting on the dining room table in front of her as she plays with him.

I lean against the wall and smile at this, until Laklyn looks up and sees me and smiles bright. "Da- da." I freeze and my smile drops.

Holy- he just said his first word. I snap out of my trance and walk over to them. Not really paying much attention to Aurora. I lift Laklyn up in my arms and I swear a few tears are forming.

"What did you say buddy?" I ask him and as if he understands me, he smiles and exclaims, "Dada!"

I hug him close to my chest, taking in this beautiful moment. It's true what they say, when your child first calls you their mom or dad, it changes everything, and it makes you feel like a real parent.

After I have a moment with Laklyn, who wont stop saying 'dada' I look over to Aurora and smile. I look back to Laklyn and smile. Smiles all around. Nothing can dampen my mood.

"Dada, dada, dada." He keeps repeating. "That's my boy." I plant a proud kiss on his cheek. I look to see Aurora standing up.

She starts walking to the door, I frown and call out to her. "Where are you going?" I ask for no meaning for it to sound disappointed but it does.

"Oh, I just thought I would head home. I don't want to ruin this beautiful moment with you guys. Thank you for helping me, and letting me stay." The smile never leaves her face.

She is too good for me.

"Aurora?" I find myself asking. She turns to look at me. "Yeah?"

"Would you like to- get um- would you like to get food sometime? With me and Laklyn?" I make sure to add the last part to not make it seem like it's a date, but it is.

"I- sure. I would love to." She smiles brightly after a while of thinking.

"O-okay. Well- I hope your leg feels better." I clear my throat.

"Thank you." And then she walks out the door. I look at Laklyn and smile. "We did it." I say proudly.

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