016: 🐉Mei 🐉

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🐉Mei x chaotic! Sibling reader🐉platonic 🐉

🐉- By now, everyone knows that Mei is chaotic. But, you. You are a menice to society. Like an actual menice. Y'all think Mei is black air force energy? Nah, it's you. You are the kind of person who will literally body slam someone's grandpa with no hesitation if he were evil. Not only will you do that, but you will purposely snatch someone's pride, and hurt thier feeling in an instant. Unprovoked or provoked.

🐉- It's why Mei and Mk loved you so much. Mk more than just a friend. You don't take crap from anyone. And you will literally fight the person who made fun of said something rude to your friends. Once someone made a comment about Mk and you went full feral. You may or may not have a restraining order from that person.

🐉- You loved your sister more than anything and you'd do anything for her. Except eating broccoli. That was a no no for you. But you loved Pigsy's noodles. Your parents worry for you the most. Mostly because of your temper and agressive nature. But, that somewhat changed when Mei introduced you to Mk. At first you didn't like him and Mei tried hard to get you to like mk.

🐉- It took him confronting you himself and asking why didn't you like him. You explained that you didn't like him because, you were afraid he was stealing your sister from you. He assured you that it wasn't his intentions to steal Mei from you and he just wanted to be your friend. It took some time, but after getting to know him, you became his friend. And gained a crush in the process.

🐉- The three of you caused some sort of chaos wether by accident or on perpose. Mostly on purpose. It was fun. You all enjoyed spending time with each other. It was a bonus if Red-son or Macaque was causing trouble and you got to emotionally degrade them. It was funny watching Red-son get angry and Macaque's little annoyed eye twitches and tail flickers.

🐉- you, Mei, Mk, and yes Wukong were iconic. You guys often have game nights and play different games. You guys once made Wukong play a horror game and he screamed so loud while getting chased. You all never let him live that moment down. He enjoys the games you guys play.

🐉- When Macaque joined your side, the game nights became more fun and funny. Especially with wii sports. Him and Wukong were always bragging about who beat who and you guys were living for the drama. You even joked and said, "Awe just like a married couple." They both stared at you in shock and well you guys were chased around the room by then.

🐉- Your game night continued and you had the time if your lives. Heck, even Macaque and Wukong managed to get along a bit better than usual. Fixing their friendship was a challenge that you guys were willing to take. It was and still is interesting to watch them interact.

🐉- They are slowly getting better and becoming friends again. But it's still Rocky. They still refuse to believe that they are kinda the same. But, they still pretty much are. Macaque is like a big brother. When your not creating chaos with Mei or Mk, your with him. Of course, you get in trouble, but at this rate you don't care much.

🐉- He let's you play in his fur and let's you put a bow on the base of his tail. Yes, he refuses to take it off, and he will beat anyone who calls it ugly. Mei will too. They all will fight for your honor. Including monkey king. Mk came up with the name, "(Y/n) protection squad." Everyone loves it.

🐉- If anyone and I mean anyone hurt you.nir wanted to hurt you, they'd have to go through them. And trust me. Nobody wanted that. Oh you made them cry? Death! Oh you made fun of them? DEATH! Oh you called them worthless and a loser?! MURDERED. they love you so much. Your Macaque's soft spot.

🐉- He vibes with you. And he calls you mango sometimes. He may not show it around other, but around you he's completely touch starved and craves cuddles like 24/7. You live you somewhat adoptive big brother.

🐉- Mei lives you alot and she wants what's best for you. As your big sister she wants to keep you safe. Even though she's well aware you can defend yourself. She teased you about your crush on Mk and you try and deny it. If course, Mk is oblivious to your feelings for him.

🐉- Macaque and Mei chase off anyone who tries to flirt with you. Like, Macaque will threaten their life and Mei will literally chase them with her sword and yell, "Don't touch my lil sis/bro! You creep!" You loved them for it. You really did.

🐉- all in all, Mei is a really good sister. And she would do everything within her power to protect you from danger and yourself. She wants to set you up with Mk but, she wants to respect your wishes and let you confess when your ready.

🐉- for that and many more things you love your crazy big family.

🍑 This story was shorter than usual because I couldn't think of anything else to write. But I'm doing my best. Anyways, thanks for reading.- Author-chan 🍑

Monkie Kid x reader (Scenario and headcanons x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt