Chapter LXIX - Bones and Ashes

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"Was that really necessary?!"

Bishop called out as he sharply turned around on his heel after the loud tell-tale sound of moving metal. The priests of Arkay had apparently decided that it was for the best to lock the two adventurers inside the catacombs. If they made it through, they would emerge down by the docks with the help of the key they had been given. It wasn't really a comfortable feeling to be locked inside this place though.

Elisif had made this sound so... trivial. As if there wasn't even any need for concern over some raised dead. But the priests certainly seemed frightened. And weren't they supposed to be alright with dead things? Maybe it was the 'undead' part that was so concerning to them.

But in either case, this was likely not some strange magical anomaly in the middle of Solitude. Something must have raised those dead.

And since the priests could definitely not hear Bishop's annoyed call over the thick metal door, there was not much to do but to turn around again and head inside the catacombs.

"So, my bet's on an insane necromancer," Bishop mused as they began walking forth, weaving through the very narrow cavernous corridors, all prepared with empty alcoves, waiting for coffins or embalmed corpses. It looked like the areas near the temple entrance were left empty – people have likely filled the graves from bottom up. That was likely lucky for the priests – otherwise they might have gotten attacked by the undead very quickly.

"How would they get inside?" Aeyrin scrunched up her nose. The priests were guarding the temple entrance and nobody else had the key to the docks exit.

"Lockpicks? I doubt that the Hall of the Dead has the best security," Bishop chuckled. He did have a point. It was probably not that hard to get inside. And it was a bit comforting to think about. If they needed to run back to the temple, Bishop could probably just unlock the door himself. Not that they ever needed to actually run from the undead before, but still, it was concerning for that option to be taken away.

"I think I've had enough insane necromancers for a lifetime," Aeyrin sighed. She didn't really relish having to deal with another one of those after Calixto. Then again, what else could it be? She should have probably expected this when Elisif had mentioned the undead.

"It'll be fine, love," Bishop gave her a comforting smile. "Probably just some stupid kid playing mage and trying out spells. We're just gonna quickly hack some corpses and then we can go enjoy our new... mansion, I guess. Or a palace."

Aeyrin giggled in response. The curiosity about the house definitely still hadn't waned.

"Whatever it is," Bishop's expression got more morose, "we need to be careful around the new housecarl. We can't talk about anything important."

"I know," she nodded somberly. "Doesn't really feel like we're getting anything even near to a home, does it?"

Bishop's nod was more absentminded than anything else. He didn't actually mind all this – the suspect housecarls, nor the fact that the houses felt more like they belonged to someone else. First of all, he would rather never sleep on an actual bed again than actually plan to 'live' in Solitude with all the nobles and paladins around. But more importantly, it was making him a bit happy that Aeyrin didn't really consider these places 'home' either. It only meant that the one that he actually wanted to have with her would be all the more special.

The conversation died out soon after as faint sounds were beginning to echo through corridors. It seemed like, soon, they would finally meet some of the shambling denizens of the catacombs.

It was quickly apparent that there would be more than one enemy in the chamber up ahead, based on the strange grunts and groans of the undead and the numerous footsteps. Bishop and Aeyrin only nodded at each other, already familiar with their usual tactics, before Aeyrin stepped to the forefront and gripped her mace firmly. She didn't take her shield off her back though and, instead, she readied her empty hand. She could cast her spells instantly that way while Bishop had her back with his bow. They were all alone for this fight, as much as Karnwyr would enjoy the distraction, the priests would probably not really like them dragging a wolf with them through the temple. They usually didn't take him anywhere inside, aside from the thane houses. People didn't really take kindly to dogs being inside public places, let alone a wolf.

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