Dead, But Not Really

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A/n - hey lovelies! so sorry i haven't been updating.. i don't have much motivation right now but i am back! and here's a long chapter to make up for my absence <3

also.. i'm gonna make a Steve Harrington fan fiction soon (y/n will be the main character), so i'll let you guys know when i post it <3

Layla walked in front and looked around for another exit, knowing they were about to gain unwanted company. "There must be another way out." She says to the other two.

Marc quickly shrugs off his backpack and places that down as he pushes (Y/N) to where Layla was, "Okay. Go, find it. I'll hold them off."

His fiancée gives him a indiscreet look while Layla grabs her hand, tugging her along. Did the male forget she had powers? She grumbles under her breath and shakes the thoughts away.

Marc picks up the axe from Alexander's sarcophagus and holds it in his hand, ready to uses it as a weapon. "Come on!" He yells his tanut.

Just then multiple men from Arthur's army come piling in, all with armed guns which were pointed at the curly haired male with the axe.

"Just you?" The one and only Arthur says as he walks into the tombs room, his cane in hand. The golden scarab he also had landed back into his free hand, "The rest is silence. I remember the first morning I woke up knowing that Khonshu was gone. The quiet was liberating. You're a free man." He continues as he gets closer to the tense Marc, stopping just before the stairs. "And, of course, with that freedom comes choice. And right now, you have a very important decision to make."

It was quiet for a few seconds till Marc exhaled heavily, muttering a barely audible, "Okay."

Arthur stares at him then turns to one of his armed followers, making the male with the gun get closer to Marc. Gun ready to shoot if needed.

Before the armed follower could get any closer, Marc acted and swiped the gun out of his arms and used the axe to swing down, cutting the males arms off who yelled out in pain.

Marc went to kill another person next to him and then threw the axe, killing another guy who was standing in front of Arthur.

Arthur shakes his head, pulling out his gun and shot a bullet. The gunshot echoing around the room which made (Y/N) release a small whimper, placing a hand over her mouth not liking that sound. The girl currently hiding behind the sarcophagus with Layla behind her, keeping her close.

Marc had been shot. Steven had been shot. (Y/N) knew that when another gunshot when off, she knew when there was a loud splash of a body falling into the water.

And the reality of it made tears start to fall like waves down her cheeks, trying to keep her sobs small as she shut her eyes and held onto Layla's hand.

Everything around her went quiet, deaf to her ears as gief stole her breath away. The last thing she heard before her vision turned white was Arthur's haunting words.

"I can't save anyone who won't save themselves." 


In a unfamiliar place, where the rooms were white and full of patient's and staff, Marc's eyes flutter open to the unfamiliar place.

His vision started to come back to him as he blinked slowly. Himself feeling incredibly dizzy and drowsy for some unknown reason as he stared at the glass walls reflection. Also noticing the fish that was there, looking similar to Gus.

"Right, you man. Brakes are on. Your favourite spot." A older male came into view, smiling at Marc and left the poor confused male alone.

"N-39, N-39." The bingo hosts voice called out in the background.

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