Closer To The Truth

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She tightened her backpack straps and took a small step forward, being careful to not fall. (Y/N)'s hand fired up with an energy blast and she threw it down the giant hole, seeing it going on for ages which wasn't good.

Distant clicking was heard, alerting the girl who stepped back and looked around for a way out. She eyed the rocky path across the edge of the wall, not liking that idea knowing she would slip and fall.

"Guess it's time to test this power." She mutters to herself hearing the clicking sounds getting closer. She takes a deep breath, then opening her eyes which had a white flare in them again.

(Y/N) goes to take a running start and leaps across the massive hole, her white energy flying around her to help her across. A small yell escapes her mouth as she just lands on the other side, tripping over and ran into the rocky wall.

She huffed in air, trying to calm herself down from that massive jump. She glances up as rumbling starting happening and dirt started falling from the rocks.

(Y/N)'s heavy breathing suddenly stopped, an eerie feeling overcoming the girl's senses. She went to slowly move her trembling hand away from the little opening, feeling herself being watched from within the darkness.

Though before she could move, two hands grabbed the girl's body and dragged her into the darkness. Leaving (Y/N) to release a terrified scream, kicking the creature in the knee who screeched and shoved her back down where she once was.

She scrambled to her feet seeing the Heka priest about to grab her and once again kicked the things body away from her, grunting. She went to throw a punch, her hand lighting up with energy however the priest's hand grabbed her by her neck, throwing her against the ground, near the edge of the platform.

The (H/C) haired girl got the wind knocked out of her, herself wheezing for air feeling the creature's rough hands choking her. She bares her teeth and goes to push the things head away, for to only remove it's mask.

The Heka priest snarled at (Y/N) and in return she screamed, now dodging the hits the creature was trying to attack her with.

One hand trying to pry off the hand on her neck, she shot her free hand up and froze the creatures hand that was attacking her. White energy wisps coated the priest's arm as (Y/N) held the thing in place.

She grunts in anger and glares at the creature, successfully removing the hand on her neck with a deadly grip, both of hers were now holding back the Heka priest arm's, the energy unknowingly to her travelled through the things body to freeze all its movements.

The Heka priest made a panicked sneerk noise, or so (Y/N) could tell it did. She releases a small shout, throwing her hands over her head. The creature's body followed the movement against its own will and fell down the dark hole, hearing a loud body thud once it reached the bottom.

The (H/C) haired girl made her energy disappear, making no movement to get up anytime time soon as she panted and coughed from the heat of the moment and over using her power. She ran a hand down her face, keeping it there and fought back angry tears.

She gritted her teeth and shakes her head furiously. She goes to stand up shakily, her legs feeling like jelly as her ears perked up hearing someone across the entrance from her. Seeing no other then Arthur Harrow standing there in all his glory.

She takes a small stumble back, not wanting to get into another fight today. Her body already losing most of its energy.

Arthur smiled slightly, "You handled that beautifully."

"Why do all men like you feel it necessary to be just so condescending?" (Y/N) says back in a light voice, trying to even out her breathing.

Distant guns were heard firing, making the girls eyes travelled to where she thinks it was coming from. (Y/N) grumbled under her breath and goes to turn and walk away through the exist.

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