"For free? Vito is a sleaze, Eva. He will at least ask for some change," I bite my grin back with my teeth when she bursts out into a chuckle-fest.

Soon enough her bubbling joy turns into silence. I can hear the pounding in her chest. She was beyond nervous about whoever this Alpha wolf is.

"Can you tell me more about your mate? I need to know what we are looking for."

Eva picks at her bottom lip. "He is the Alpha. Alpha-Alpha, Elias Magus. The big bad wolf."

"Magus is your mate?" I question out loud. It is true that he is the Alpha of Alphas'. Vito and I had a run-in with Magus years ago. He is very infamous within our world. According to legends, Magus receives a new mate every century or so. His belief is sacrificial of his mate for more strength and power.

Magus will look for Eva, until she is dead.

"I am sorry for coming here," Eva tells me in the softest voice. Her eyes connect with mine before shyly looking back down at her hands. "Vito is right."

I can't let her run towards death, not towards Magus.

"No. You're staying with us," I promise. Before I can even blink she is snuggled back cozily into my arm.

"You are safe here, Eva," I remind her as she sleeps.


Vito and Eva are going to be trouble.

After Eva's long and hard rest, we were flicking through television stations.

Soon enough, Vito reappeared from his sulking and aggressively sits beside Eva, making her body bounce on the cushion as he plants his ass.

"Vito, be nice," I kindly remind him with a glare.

"Stupid fucking old man," Vito grumbled, turning his focus to the girl beside of him.

Eva looked like she wanted to be swallowed whole. She was all flustered and tried her best to ignore Vito, but Vito being Vito wanted attention.

"Is the flea-bag behaving?" Vito asked.

Eva crossed her arms angrily. The large shirt she was wearing had risen on her legs and we both took notice. Vito watches me, before gawking back at the little were.

"Go eat garlic," Eva tells him pathetically.

"Sure, I can use it as seasoning when I have you for dinner," Vito says.

I hear Eva gasp and look at me, leaning into my side. I notice how her breathing picks up when Vito not-so-subtly shifts his weight closer to her.

"Stop trying to sit on me," Eva points at him, and her bottom lip returns to between her teeth.

"Why do you have to keep talking back, Eva?" Vito moves his hand to the back of her neck. "It's very fucking rude."

"Vito.." I tell him as a warning.

"What?" he sneers.

Eva keeps her eyes down, too afraid to look at either of us. I know Vito is just teasing her, but the way her fingers are clawing at my arm I know she is scared.

"She's my fucking pet now too, I can do whatever I want with her," Vito starts, clenching his hand into the back of her head.

Fuck's sake.

sorry for the long wait. I am on annual leave from work for 2 weeks, so I will do lots of writing between now and then. thank you so much for the support on my stories. the comments that I have been receiving really encourage me to continue my books. you are loved!

 you are loved!

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