
21 1 1

Enjoy guys. Sorry if there's a wait for this chapter.


Willow woke up to Teddy kissing her neck. She smiled and she turned around and hugged him. Teddy smiled and rubbed her arm and kissed her forehead. "Love you have to get up." Uncle Harry told me about that Minerva got you the job of Ancient Ruins Professor." Said Teddy.

Willow smiled and she kissed his check and got up. "Okay, let's get ready. Do we get our own chambers?" Asked Willow as she changed. (Into the outfit on the top.) Willow then tied her hair in a braid with a gold ribbon.

"You look great love." Said Teddy.

"Thank you Ted." Said Willow. She smiled and they headed out. They saw Ron and Hermione leaving to get to work on finding and destroying the Horcruxes. "Good luck." Said Willow to them.

"Thanks Will." Said Ron. He hugged the two 19 year olds. Hermione did the same and they left through the flew.

"Let's go." Said Harry as he left his room with Ginny. Willow and Teddy nodded and they walked to the Great Hall. "Sleep well?" Asked Ginny.

"Yeah. Teddy helped me go back to sleep when I had a small nightmare." Said Willow. Willow had bad dreams because of some of the Death Eater's going after her one day.

"Good. Keep an eye on her Ted." Said Harry. Teddy nodded and they entered the room. They say that some people are up and that they are tiredly trying to eat. Willow saw Lily trying to wake up and she smiled. When she went to her and said, "Try drinking the sweet milk, that ways makes me up when I'm tired." Said Willow gentlely to Lily.

Lily smiled and did what the girl said. She did feel more awake. She smiled her thanks to the girl and Willow smiled back. She sat back down next to Teddy.

James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter came in. They sat next to Lily and her friends. Lily groaned, but she didn't say anything. She got her breakfast and started to eat.

"Nice Willow." Said Ginny giggled. Willow blushed, but smiled back at her mother. They talked with some teachers as they ate. Willow smiled at Minvera and thanked her for the job.

"It's now problem dear. You and your boyfriend are more then welcomed to have Tea at my office." Said Minvera.

"Thank you." Said the two.

Willow decided to head to class. She kissed Teddy on the check and she made her way to her knew classroom. Willow never thought of herself as a teacher. She did think it will be a nice job. She is glad to know she only had Sirius in this class. She didn't think she could handle all of them together in one classroom.

She had a great time talking with everyone and she found Sirius is great with Ancient Ruins. She loved the third years. They are so sweet and they are happy to learn.

It was after lunch and she saw Teddy waiting for her. She quickly knew that she needed to get back to Harry room. They rushed there and saw Harry sitting on the couch getting things ready and Ginny making tea. Willow went to help by making snacks.

"Thank you sweetie." Said Ginny. Willow smiled at her mother. She had the snacks almost done when there is a knock. They all nervously looked at each other before Harry got the door.


They are all now sitting on the couches and they had the tea and snacks on the table in the middle. The fourteen year olds are wandering what they needed to talk to them and the future group being nervous on how to go about this.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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