The past

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Harry and his two friends had found a spell that will help them safe the future. It will help then go to the past and change the things that went wrong. They knew that if they could stop Voldemort sooner then no body would die. They are talking about it now.

"It's safe to use to send us all back. It doesn't have a limit to how many people it will send back. We can call go together." Said Hermione as she looked at the spell.

"That's good. Is it safe for Ginny?" Asked Harry.

"Yes. It's safe if you are pregnant." Said Hermione. Her and Ron would have thought that Ron would have gotten her pregnant first, and not Harry. She is happy for him none the less. She loved Ginny and she hoped she will do just as good with their pregnancy as she did with Willow. Harry's first baby. She is really sweet and smart. She looks just like Lily according to pictures and Professor McGonagall.

"Good. I'm not leaving her here and pregnant. Ginny has become part of this team and she deserves to go as much as the rest of us." Said Harry.

Both Ron and Hermione smiled at him and they talked a bit more about who else is going. Harry wanted his daughter Willow to come along with Teddy. They are family and Harry is all Teddy has right now.

"Let's go. You two finished getting ready. I'll see how Ginny and Willow are doing on packing." Said Harry.

Hermione and Ron nodded and they left. Harry smiled when he saw Ginny resting on the bed. "Don't worry love, I'll take care of the rest." Said Harry and he leaned down to kiss her forehead. Ginny smiled and she rested and watched Harry put a few last minute things in the bag. He had gotten a lot of money out of the Potter volt and he told the Goblen to freeze his volts.

She got up and went to see how Willow is doing. She smiled when she saw Willow sitting on her bed resting her head on Teddy's shoulder. Their bags sitting next to them. "All packed?" She asked.

"Yes mum. We got done a few hours ago." Said Willow. She kept her eyes closed. She is tired and is trying rest til they have to go. She wasn't going to let herself fall asleep.

"Good. Harry's back and is helping me pack a few last things and them we'll go and meet Hermione and Ron." Said Ginny.

Willow and Teddy nodded and Teddy rubbed Willow's arm. She quickly kissed his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder again. Ginny smiled and left the two. She saw Harry ziping up their bag and look at her.

"Everythings packed. How is Willow and Teddy?" Asked Harry.

"Good. They finished packing long before I was." Said Ginny with a giggle.

Harry chuckled and shook his head. He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry, we will safe everyone and get ridde of him again." Said Harry. He knew Ginny wasn't looking forward to seeing Voldemort again.

They left the room and Willow with Teddy joined them. They took turns going through the flew and landed in a safe room at Hogwarts. They nodded and Hermione waved her wand and said the words. They all disappeared at the same time and Willow smiled sadly at McGonagall and she smiled back at one of her many favorite students for the last time.


They all appeared in the same room with the Dumbledore waiting for them. Harry and his friends had learned to not fully trust Dumbledore. He wanted the same things as them, but he didn't think of a safer way to do it.

Harry explained who they are and a little bit of what they needed to do. Dumbledore still didn't believe letting anyone know who they are. Harry and his friends rolled their eyes when he is out of the room.

"Dad are we not going to listen to him and tell grandma and grandpa?" Asked Willow.

"Yes. They need to know about the future and they can help us. I hate to do this, but I'm now the DADA teacher, I'll have them stay behind and we'll talk in my office. You guys can stay there too, the room will adjust to my needs." Said Harry.

They all nodded and they headed out. They sat near each other at the waters table. They saw that there isn't as many Professor's now as there was in the future. Harry grew an idea for Willow. He would tell her and Teddy later and he knew Dumbledore couldn't pass up a chance to have a good Ancient Ruins teacher and Teddy could help her if she needed it.


(With James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter).

"Does the DADA teacher look like James?" Asked Remus.

"Yes, he does." Sirius agreed nodding.

"Those two over there look like Lily and Remus." Said James.

"Yeah, they do." Said said Sirius and Remus.

"This is so crazy." Said James.

The others nodded and Peter just kept eating. They rolled their eyes and continued to eat themselves.

"Do you think we can find out who they all are?" Asked Sirius.

"Yes. With Remus helping us we will." Said James.

They didn't know that they will find out tomorrow at the beginning of class. They talked about pranks they will pull and who they will target.


(Back with Harry and the others.)

Willow happily talked with Professor McGonagall and she loved the woman and couldn't wait to get to know her better. Willow is happy she can call her Mivera.

Mivera is happy to talk to Willow. She knows so much about Ancient Ruins. She liked her boyfriend. He knew a thing or two as well about Ruins.

It is soon time to head to bed. They went into Harry room and true to what he said a bunch of rooms appear down a hallway that came out of nowhere. They all went into their rooms and they got ready for bed.

"Teddy do you think we can do this?" Asked Willow?

"Yes. We got you and aunt Hermione. You two are so smart and I know you'll come up with something." Said Teddy as he kissed her on the lips. Willow kissed back and she moaned when Teddy deepened it. They soon pulled back because they needed to breathe.

"That's still as magical as our first kiss." Said Teddy with a small smirk. Willow blushed, but she lightly hit his arm." Teddy held her to him and she rested her head on his chest and they soon feel asleep.


I hope you like the chapter. I'll try to update again soon. Thank you for reading, I'm glad you guys like it so far. Enjoy 😊

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