"For me or him."

"You. I'm going to say given our propensity with kids you'll have one little mini me. I'm thinking my eyes with your hair. Girl to be a true mini me but a boy would work as well."

"Another girl would be evening things up. Then if Alex has a boy and girl we'll stay even."

"Definitely. I love you my mates. All of you. This is fantastic. I guess we worried for nothing." Ness nodded.

"With Alex and I pregnant we think Emmy, Iggy and Honey should just stop using condoms and see who gets pregnant first."

"An idea I'll get behind completely. Hmm, maybe we'll see if we can get them all three going at once." I said wiggling my eyebrows. "To bad I'm not home we'd have a seven way celebration." Iggy was smiling and laughing but I could tell it wasn't going all the way through. There was something wrong. I felt my heart drop. Had he felt it? Did he know that I had betrayed them and was trying to hide it from the others. He wouldn't want them upset. Before I could figure it out I heard a kid shout for Alex.

"Uh-oh, they're wrestling. We should go intervene." Iggy said sitting forward.

"I love you all."

"We Love you." was chorused before they hung up. They were pregnant, I was so happy. That happiness turned and spun the world from under me as my eyes met Angie's. I motioned to the bathrooms down the wall and hurried toward them. I got into a stall just as I lost the breakfast I'd choked down at the hotel. My mates. My mates that were pregnant, and I'd cheated on them betrayed them. I felt a sob choke me but I caught it and pressed my emotions back. I had a flight to go on. I had people to talk to a group to form, people to protect. I'd have to deal with this later. When I was sure I wasn't going to throw up again I washed my face rinsed my mouth and headed back for Angie. Thankfully our flight was called quickly. When we were settled into our seats and buckled in she turned to me.

"Are you alright?" I nodded and tried to smile.

"Alex and Ness are pregnant. They just told me when they called." she smiled but it was as strained as mine was.

"That's great. Were you trying to get them pregnant?"

"Yes. Well Ness it was a firm decision. Alex, he had some trouble when he was younger, a forced abortion has made his ability to get pregnant very hard. So we don't use protection. We'd let him get pregnant when ever his body does it. I told him once that it's up to him if he ever wants to stop trying. I'd keep at it and have babies until he said enough." I felt tears in my eyes but I took a breath and willed them away.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused. You are such a good man I don't like being the cause of trouble for you."

"It's not your fault." No it was my own. I had let my emotions get the best of me. It was no one's fault but my own. I was alpha I should have been able to say no, to control myself. I wanted to chalk it up to weeks of no sex. Of being teased and no follow through. Would it have happened no matter who I had been with? Or was it just Angela? I had been attracted to her from the moment I'd met her. I knew I cared for her. I wouldn't have felt so angry at the thought of her being hurt, or reacted to strongly if I didn't care for her. I had sworn I'd never cheat on my mates but I had done just that. I had betrayed them in the worst way possible.

We were quiet the rest of our flight. After disembarking we gathered our bags. I picked up our rental car and we got on the road.

"The situation here, what happened?"

"The email I got said that a young man named Lucas had been kidnapped assaulted and dropped on the woman's front porch. I'm pretty sure that assaulted means more than beat." I saw her eyes go wide and she gave a sickened grimace.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now