Chapter 4

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I'm going to be honest, these initiates are doing well this year. Every day someone new I've never seen before randomly tells me "Congrats! You're gonna be a great mom."

I know I shouldn't, but I feel like they have no right to tell me that. They have no idea how terrified I am of the thought of having a small child running around in this place, plus, most of them barely even know me. They just say it because they feel like they're supposed to. It's one thing if it comes from Tobias or Tori or my mom, it's another to come from a stranger.

I wake Tobias and tell him to shower cause we have an appointment to get to. He just grunts. I slap his face gently. He opens his eyes and looks at me.

"What?" he asks.

"I said get up."

"Oh, don't you have an appointment today?"

"Congratulations! You guessed! So you might want to get up now. You said you were coming to this one."

By the time we get there, we're still about 25 minutes early, which is good, considering that I have to fill out a stack of papers. Again. I don't see why I have to fill these out every single time. I came here a few weeks ago. Nothing is going to change in a few weeks.

"Mrs. Eaton?" a nurse says coming out from behind the waiting room door. We get up and follow her.

"How's your morning sickness been?" she asks.

"It's gotten better the past few days, but still there," I tell her.

"Okay, so we're just going to do an ultrasound today, to see how the baby is doing. You can also get a picture of your baby when we're done here."

She goes out, and a few minutes later, Dr. Andreeva comes in.

"Hey guys, how are you today," she asks

"Pretty good," I say. "How bout you?"

"Not too shabby. Okay, Tris, imma have you lay down on your back and peel up your shirt if you don't mind. You should be able to see your baby up there," she tells me.

She points a latex-gloved finger at a blurry grey blob on the screen. I have a baby, and it is beautiful. I can't wait for it to come into the world. But, on the other hand, birth does not exactly seem enjoyable.

Once we're finished there, we go to pick up the sonogram. The lady is very flirty with Tobias, and I don't like it.

"What can I get you, sweetheart?" she says to Tobias.

"Hi, we're here to pick up my ultrasound photos," I say.

She glares at me and hands me my photos. "Thanks," I say as I take them from her hand.

On the train

"Aw. I still can't believe you can have a whole 'nother person in there. It's crazy," Tobias says, looking at the photos.

"I know," I reply while resting my head on his shoulder. "It's still pretty wacky to me."

After a while, I ask the question we've both been thinking, "When should we tell my family?" 

"We could go to Abnegation this afternoon, and I believe there's another visiting day tomorrow, so that's when we can tell your brother, as we aren't exactly welcome in Erudite."

"Sounds good to me."

When we get to Abnegation, we jump off, then head to my parent's house. Tobias is tense, as we are just a street away from Marcus' house. I knock on their door.

My mom answers with a smile. "Tris, so nice to see you again."

"You too, mom," I reply. "We have some news to share with you. Will you please go get Dad?"

"Of course, dear." she gets up to go get him.

My parents already know that me and Tobias are married, and have been thinking about starting a family. When my father comes out, followed by my mother, I tell them that they might want to sit down.

"Okay... brace yourselves," I tell them the whole story.

"Tobias, are you going to tell your father about this?" asks my mom cautiously.

"No. I'm not," he replies sternly.

"Okay then, would you two - or three, I guess - like anything to eat?" my mom asks.

"No, we better get going. We still have a few things to arrange for training." I tell her.

We wave goodbye and jump on the train, and I almost loose my balance. I'm definitely not as graceful getting on as I used to be. We go back to our apartment and start ranking the initiates.

We don't cut them out anymore. There was no point except violence and excessive competition, which didn't make anyone feel safe. Not that this faction is the safest, but these teenagers have been ripped from their entire lifestyle and thrown into something new.

Once we finish, I take a shower and throw on some sweat pants. I grab a handful pretzels and lay down to sleep. Tobias wraps his arm protectively around my midsection. I still get butterflies sometimes when he touches me. I eventually fall asleep, and don't have any dreams this time.

It's been a while since I last updated... 🫣
I'm hoping that since marching season is over I'll have more time to go through and edit these chapters more, and in turn get them out to you guys quicker.

(Ps: thinking about starting a fic about Coryo and Lucy Gray, what would you guys think of that/ want to see in it?)

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