Kissing Lessons { Enoch O'Connor x Reader}

Start from the beginning

It was irritating. It was infuriating! It was distracting, and overwhelming, and made their typically steady hands shake like leaves in the wind.

Which is why, the night Enoch O'Connor stormed into their dorm room, they were positively sure they'd be expelled for homicide.

" You can't be in here." Y/N said in that stern voice of theirs, practiced to the point of perfection. They had jumped up from their seat at their desk, almost slamming their hand in the thick handbook they were reading.

" What's the fuss, birdie?" Enoch had muttered in response, falling back onto their bed— their nice, neat, clean bed— whilst fiddling with another one of his nasty contraptions. " I thought we were right old pals."

" Well, we're not—"

" Oh," Enoch pouted, " That's no fair. You were so sickeningly sweet before you had to go and get wings. It's annoying, honestly."

Y/N stiffened, clasping their trembling hands together in a desperate attempt to gain some composure. " I'm sorry you feel that way, but ymbrynes are necessary for the continued survival—"

" Continued survival of peculiardom, yack, yack, yack, yadda, yadda, yadda," Enoch batted his hand in the air absentmindedly, as if swatting at a fly, " I've heard the lecture before. Can't I just hang out with a friend for an hour or so without having to hear my own headmistress's voice through your lips?"

" I—"

" See? Comfortable silence."

Y/N frowned. It wouldn't be so terrible to have some company while they studied, after all, and at least it was someone they didn't entirely hate...

" You're insufferable." they eventually said, to Enoch's apparent amusement, and they sat back down and opened the thick handbook.

There was silence, for a short amount of time. Then Enoch began humming, and apparently became so bored with his clay figure that he took it apart on their nightstand and reformed it into a small hummingbird. He sent it fluttering at the back of Y/N's head, plucking at their shirt and sticking its beak into their ear.

They batted it away, and when that was ultimately unsuccessful, they grabbed the clay bird in their fist, shoved it inside the closest drawer, and slammed it shut.

" Oi!" Enoch cried, " I worked hard on that!"

" And I'm working hard on this," Y/n said without looking up, tapping hard on their handbook, " And I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd stop harassing me." 

Enoch soured. " You were more fun before you became Miss Hummingbird."

" It's Redpoll."

" Excuse me?"

" It'll be Miss Redpoll, if I pass my exams. Miss Hummingbird will be Elana, assuming she passes, but we all know the girl hasn't got a single working brain cell in that thick skull of hers."

Enoch barked a laugh. " Okay, Redpoll. How about you study something else for a little bit, huh?"

Y/N heaved a sigh, then turned in their seat to face him properly. Enoch was leaning forward on their bed, his hands digging into the sheets. His hair was ruffled, and the thin scars that criss-crossed his cheek were dull in the foggy light. The top buttons of his shirt were undone, and they could see the still-raw flesh of his chest.

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