Part 8 because why tf not

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The rest of the day before dinner was spent sitting and cuddling with Heizou in that chair. Your heads were each tucked into the others shoulder and you both fell asleep like that. You didn't awaken until Kazuha knocked on both of your doors to announce it was time for dinner.
"Heizou, Y/N, it is time for dinner. Are you coming?"
"We'll be right there!" You called out. You shushed Heizou as he was about to speak because it would be suspicious to have Kazuha hear Heizou's voice coming from your room.
You waited for his footfalls to disappear, and then left the room with your arms linked together.
"Hey lovebirds, come join us!" Beidou yelled out. Heizou smirked at this, and your face went bright red. You opened your mouth to make a rebuttal but Heizou turned your face towards him and kissed you. You were pretty sure he was side-eyeing Kazuha, but you couldn't just confront him about that.

Kazuha made an unconcerned and nonchalant face, to which Heizou seemed to relax a bit. Dinner went peacefully, and nobody died. After dinner, however, was a different story. A mildly handsome crewman tipped his hat toward you and gave a smile which you returned, and Heizou's possessive tendencies kicked in again. He waited until nobody was around him, then pushed him overboard. You were in your room, reading one of Yae Publishing House's new light novels. After a little while, you decided you were going to sleep. You got changed into your nightgown, and tucked yourself into bed. You were about half asleep when you heard the slow, quiet creaking of your cabin door.
You knew who it was, and made sure you appeared asleep. Heizou climbed into the bed with you, and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. Sleepily, you wrapped your arms around his waist. He kissed your forehead and you buried your face deeper into his chest.
You both slept peacefully that night.

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