Part 2

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The job was simple. So simple you almost regretted agreeing to it, as it was boring. A woman had lost her favorite hair clip while on a walk. You and Heizou shared some sarcastic remarks about the simplicity of it, and since things had been so slow, Heizou agreed to let you off of work early, on the condition you went to Shimura's with him first. You were hungry by this point, so you agreed. He ordered Shrimp Tempura, and you ordered a Mushroom Pizza. You discussed life and how things had been lately, and as you were about to leave, you noticed what you were sure was a slight blush on his face.
"Are you alright? You appear feverish?"
Concerned, you ordered him a glass of water.
"I'm.. quite... alright.." He stammered. You realized your hand had made its way to his shoulder and quickly pulled away. The red seemed to disappear from his face the moment you did. You both paid for what you'd ordered, and then he did something peculiar. He stood up and hugged you tightly around the shoulders. It took you by surprise but nonetheless you wrapped your arms around his waist.
The two of you pulled away after a brief moment.
"I should go now..." his usually playful demeanor was gone, and was replaced by something surprisingly emotional.
"Uh, yeah.. I should go too. Bye now, get home safe." You both turned to go your separate ways, but on your way home, you felt the sensation of being watched. You made sure to be alert of your surroundings as you walked, but you didn't want to appear paranoid by checking behind every bush as you went. Suddenly, you heard the clicking of a kamera, a new kind of photo taking technology from Fontaine.

You only knew about three people who owned one.
One of them being Heizou.

You quickened your pace, and approached your front door, only to find it unlocked. You were a detective and a Pyro vision bearer, so you weren't afraid of any kind of physical danger as you walked in. You just hoped you hadn't been robbed. You drew your sword and closed and locked the door behind you, so that the intruder couldn't escape. Nothing seemed to be particularly out of place. You didn't let your guard down until you were done checking every possible hiding spot in your house, so you assumed they were just some prankster who'd left before you arrived. You changed into your nightgown, but as you were, you felt like you were being watched again. You went to make sure your window was shut and locked, however it was wide open.
You shut it and a shiver ran down your spine. You climbed into bed and shut off the lamp beside you, falling into a restless sleep.

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