Chapter 5 - Sakura

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Thoma couldn't sleep.

He was laying in bed that night, thinking about how Ayato had acted earlier in the day. He'd been over analyzing the whole situation for what felt like hours.
He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He knew he wasn't going to be getting any sleep tonight.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Thoma nearly jumped out of his skin. His head whipped around to the door.

"Thoma?" He heard from outside. He'd recognize that voice anywhere. What was he doing at Thoma's room this time of night?

He hesitantly walked over to the door and opened it.

"Master Ayato? Can I do something for you?"

"Get dressed, Thoma. I'm going to show you something," Ayato said solemnly.

Thoma couldn't fathom what it was that Ayato wanted to show him at this hour but he quickly turned around and pulled on a red kimono. He grabbed a hair tie and pulled his blonde hair back into his low ponytail as he turned back to Ayato.

Ayato motioned for him to follow. Thoma complied. They said nothing as Ayato led him down the hallway and out the door. Thoma finally dared to speak.

"Master Ayato? Where are you taking me this late?"

"Somewhere I've never shown anyone else."

They both lapsed into silence again, although this silence was a much more comfortable one. Thoma felt content in Ayato's presence. Even if they weren't talking, he felt happy to just be able to gaze upon Ayato's handsome face.

As they walked through the forest, Ayato suddenly stopped. Thoma quickly stopped too, almost running into him. It was so dark it was hard to see.

"My lord?" Thoma asked.

"Shhh," Ayato muttered.

Thoma registered Ayato walking around him. Thoma didn't dare move. Suddenly, Ayato placed a blindfold over Thoma's eyes.

"My lord?" Thoma asked again, anxiously.

"Don't worry," Ayato said, "this is just so it can be a surprise."

Ayato grabbed Thoma's hand and led him forward. Thoma walked slowly so he wouldn't trip. They walked like this in the dark forest for a couple minutes before Ayato stopped again. He walked back around Thoma, trailing his hand up Thoma's arm and along his shoulders as he went around. He reached up and removed the blindfold.

Thoma squinted against the sudden light. When his eyes finally adjusted, he opened them and gasped. In front of him was a clearing in the forest, completely surrounded by sakura bloom trees, fully in bloom. They almost appeared to be glowing, the light reflecting off of the pink petals.

Ayato let Thoma take it all in before asking, "What do you think?"

Thomas whispered breathlessly, "It's beautiful."

Ayato chuckled and walked closer to Thoma. He placed a hand on Thoma's arm. Thoma quickly turned to look at him and gasped at how close Ayato's face was. Ayato led him to the middle of the clearing.

"My lord?"

"Yes, Thoma?" Ayato asked in his sultry voice.

"Why did you bring me here? You said that you've never shown anyone else this place."

"'re special, sunshine."

Thoma didn't know why, but he suddenly felt the urge to ask about the nickname.

"Why do you call me that? Sunshine I mean. You called me it when you found me on that beach, and have ever since."

Ayato smiled. "Because you remind me of sunshine. That was the first thing I thought when I saw you. You're radiant, and you practically glow. You're warm, meaning you act incredibly kind to people, even when they do not deserve it. People seem to gravitate toward you."

Thoma was at a loss for words. His heart was fluttering. Then, Ayato slowly started stepping closer.

"You make people like you without really even trying, Thoma. You...made me like you," Ayato said.

Thoma just stared at him with wide eyes before whispering, " me..."

Ayato nodded and grabbed Thoma's hands. He touched Thoma's cheek with his left hand and pulled Thoma closer.

"I like you so much Thoma." Ayato murmured breathlessly.

Then, he bridged the gap between them.

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