Chalex 💘

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It's Wednesday at 10:35 am in math class

"Hey Maja" Alex whispers as he looks concerned at his friend.

"What do you want?" Maja says.

"So you know how I told you I might have a crush on someone? Well it's Charlie..." Alex says as he looks down at his bench.

"Oh, really now?" Maja says as she smirks at their friend.

"I heard that. And I'm in." Lena says as they lean on Maja's bench.

"In on what?" Alex says with a concerned look at his face while glancing over at Charlie who's sitting across the classroom looking out the window.

"In on helping me with getting you two together obvii" Maja says like it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Lena come back here, class is over soon and the teacher will get mad at you!" Ivy says while looking at Lena.

They all go back to their work except from Alex who keeps thinking about Charlie. Is it wrong for him to like Charlie and that other girl from his chem class? Maybe. But it's not like he chose it.

Next day on Lunch break:

Alex sits on a bench eating his sandwich while waiting for his friends so arrive. While he sits there he thinks a bit more about his situation with Charlie. He wants to tell them it's just so embarrassing.

"Hey Mikeal!" Maja shouts from across the school yard while dragging Juliet with them.

Maja walks up to Mikeal and sits next to him.

"So I might or might not have told someone about your crush" Maja said while still holding Juliet's hand.

Alex starts blushing and looks down at his shoes. He tries to hide how embarrassing it is that someone else found out but fails horribly.

"You really can't keep your mouth shut, can you?" Mikeal says to Maja.

Maja smiles at him and just then Charlie comes and sits down on the other side of the lunch bench and starts eating their pasta. Alex starts blushing even more and keeps eating his sandwich.

"Hi guys" Charlie says after a few bites.

"Uhm heyy Charlie" Mikeal says while looking like a tomato.

Maja smiles at both of them and then drags Juliet with her to Bo's table to leave the love birds alone.

"Bye I guess" Juliet says while waving.

"Shut up and come on Juli!" Maja says as they covers Juliet's mouth and starts walking even faster.

"What the hell was that about?" Charlie says looking at Mikeal with s big smile on their face.

"Oh wow uhm I have no idea!" Alex says, clearly lying. His face turns bright red again and he takes a sip out of his drink.

Charlie starts laughing at the sight of Mikeal being so flustered. Alex also starts laughing. Charlie actually knew exactly why the others left, they aren't stupid after all. But they weren't ready to talk about it with Alex... but they do like him. Maybe another day?

The next day, after school. The whole class is walking out of the school. Lena, Bo and Jayden are walking home together to Lena's house. Plant, Hina and Jojo are walking together and Ghost is being dragged along with them by Plant. Lilith and Jack are fastly walking together to Jack's house.

"Hey Mikeal!"

Mikeal turns around and sees Maja shouting at him.

"Do you want to walk home with me and Charlie?" Maja says with a big smirk on her face.

"Uhh yeah of course!" Alex says uncertain on what Maja has planned.

"Oh that's great! Wait damn it I forgot I was walking home with Juli today, I guess it's just you two then!" Maja says, clearly lying, before she grabs Juliet and starts walking away while they are both loudly laughing.

"That bitch.." Mikeal mumbles watching them walk away.

"What did you say?" Charlie says.

"Oh, nothing... let's go shall we?" Alex says with a big fake smile.

They both start blushing and starts walking home to Alex's place.

Halfway through a very awkward walk home Charlie finally finds the courage to say something;

"Hey so I've been meaning to say this for a while.." Charlie says while staring down on their shoes.

"Yeah?" Alex says with a very uncertain tone.

He thinks; could this be it? Are they confessing? Or is it something else.. do they not want to be friends anymore.. oh no did I do something? I fu-
But before he can finish his thought Charlie interrupts him;

"I like you Mikeal. Like I like-like you. Like in a romantic way..." As they say that both of them starts blushing alot.

"Oh!" Alex says.

"Oh my god you don't feel the same way do you? Well uhm ok!" Charlie feels insecure about what they just said and just wants to run away from the conversation.

In his mind Mikeal is also panicking and doesn't know what to do. But he does like Charlie back, he just doesn't know how to tell them.

In pure panick he pulls them closer and kisses them on the mouth.

Hey uhm it's Maja here! Idk how to finish this and I have better shit to do (jk I don't actually) so you will see what happens in next chapter 😋 Cya

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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