The Light

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Miriam POV:

"Height - 7.2 miles, turnaround time 50 minutes. All functioning normal, wind - 15 miles\ hr", I noted as part of the procedure.

I have crossed the Pacific ocean countless times, but today is special. This is going to be my last solo flight as a trainee.

After today, a new chapter waits for me. I am completing my 250 hours of flying as a trainee will finally becoming a pilot.

It was a rainy day but gliding through the air, I felt free.

Suddenly the wind picked up speed & a thunderstorm flashed across the sky.
The whole craft buzzed, I yanked the control as it's not normal.

"Seriously, a malfunctioning right now", I huffed because the humming increased.

A thunderstorm struck again, and a very bright light flashed blinding my eyes.

I lost control of the plane, everything happened in slow motion. I was vaguely aware of my headphone buzzing with the noises of my instructor as the sky and rain all disappeared.

I was sucked through the light which has opened up in the unforgiving visible sky and spit out on the other side.

The craft hit the ground, skidding forward violently.

My head bumped into the side of the door as the plane shook sliding across the rock and coming to a dead stop.

My vision blurred with pain and I am sure a bump is forming on the back of my head.

My eye widen and my jaw hit the floor at the red landscape ahead of me
"Where am I?" I grunted in pain.
Did I end up on Sahara somehow?
I wondered as I got down on the sandy crimson ground.

"Okay......maybe not Sahara",

This is no Sahara I can tell by the color and a glance up made my bones quiver, my legs gave away beneath me and I hit the ground in crumpled heap.I closed my eye and opened them again.

My skin pricked, and a chilly shiver ran down my spine.
In the azure sky, there were three freaking Suns.

I knew something dreadful had happened to me when I was dragged into the light.
My soul left my body as realization hit me that this isn't earth.

Gathering myself up off the sand,  brushing myself off,
I staggered toward my small craft.
I need to call for help and contact to my academy, the police. I opened the communication device trying to connect to the any ATCs but the line is silent as if everything is down, nothing is coming through it. I sighed at my cursed luck. Maybe I should try to fly out of here, I checked for the damage and came to a conclusion that it's practically impossible to fly with once a plane now a piece of junk.

"what the....ohhhhh no",the sand rippled as if it was a surface of water, my boots started sinking
as realisation hit me that I am standing in a quick sand.

I quickly hoped on the wings of the plane a temporary escape as
it also sinking to the ground.

I snatched my bag as fast as I could and ran towards the tail of the plane, I need to escape to a safe distance.

Waiting for a heartbeat I take two step backward and the propelled myself forward to jump hoping to land as far as possible.
My face hit the hot sand and the grainy texture scrapes the skin off my face. I scrambled away, making sure to put a safe distance.

The whole ship cranked and groaned refusing to go down without a fight. In the end it got swallowed whole by the quicksand.
I wondered what kind of horror is stored for me in this place.

I peered around, taking in the tall mountains canyons at a distant otherwise flat landscape like Sahara - a color which is blood red.

"This can't be real, mom I wanna go home ", a lone tear slipped through my eyes, maybe this was just a dream.

I frankly looked around hoping to find something or someone who could shake my deeply rooting fear. Not a single soul apart from the wind-driven sand.

A hoarse cry rang out, I spun in that direction my throat burning with fear and dryness, my ears pounding,
Something was rolling in the distant horizon, I squinted my eyes it was too far away for me to make out but it was zooming toward my direction very quickly.

A guttural scream erupted from the other direction as well making my eyes water and my ears numb at the high screeching.

Warm blood ooze out from my ear the sand started to shift as they neared.
"What is happening?",I frowned squinting all I could see was dust as a curtain in the air hiding my advancing fate of mine.
Was this a battleground? Or are they hunting something?

The crawling sensation in my skin told me it was the latter one and I was the prey.
It was all I needed as motivation, I spun and bolted in opposite direction.
They screamed louder and gave chase.

Hie!!!! lovely readers,
Thank you so much for reading the Abssy.
I would write one chapter at a time, and would publish three times a week less or more depending upon my not so busy schedule.

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