Gojo stopped walking to the teacher's dorm when his phone is suddenly ringing. He looked down and saw it was from none other than Fushiguro Megumi.

Why would Fushiguro contact him?

he looked down at his phone and answered the call. "Hello? Megumi?" Gojo asked in his curious tone.

There was silence for a bit but soon the voice spoke up. "I need your help," Megumi said almost in a whisper. There was some rustling before Megumi spoke up again this time a bit louder. "I lost Kugisaki and Itadori" Fushiguro sounded desperate. Like he really needed Gojo to help him right now.

It was clear why, as Kugisaki is missing and there was a 50/50 chance that she'll make it out alive. "Where are you Megumi?" There was silence again and Gojo waited patiently.

"Don't worry about me, worry about Itadori." Megumi's words confused Gojo even more. What's wrong with Itadori? And where's Fushiguro?

Megumi finally spoke again. "I think Sukuna has taken over Itadori's body, I don't know where he went" Megumi spoke that surprised Gojo.

"What do you mean Sukuna took over Itad-" Before Gojo could finish his sentence Megumi hung up. Now Gojo was completely clueless.

Itadori could have more power than Sukuna especially since it was his body but why did it happen now?

Gojo looked back inside his room to see your pet Tori sleeping peacefully in his bed. As the first year's teacher, he had to do his responsibility now that Sukuna has taken over Itadori's body.

"There must be something that Sukuna wanted to do" Gojo muttered.

He soon warps to the Jujutsu High. there's only something in Gojo's mind. it's either Sukuna went here to do a horrible act or he's here to finish something.

Using his six eyes, he started to see if who are inside the Jujutsu High at this hour. Yaga wouldn't be here, especially since he has some meetings with the Higher up.

Until a familiar cursed energy flow inside the school.


He can finally sense you with his six eyes?


Nitta abruptly stomped her feet while leaving tons of messages to Megumi trying to contact him and report to her about the exorcising of a special curse.

"Where the hell are you?!" Nitta shouted, almost about to throw her phone away when finally, Megumi answered her call.

It took a while for Megumi to answer.

"Don't find us" Megumi spoke through the phone.

"Ha? What kind of bullshit are you pulling at this moment?" Nitta shouted once again. Getting inside the car and was ready to drive to where the first year was when Megumi suddenly let out something that surprised her.

"Sukuna has taken Itadori's body once again and we don't know where he is" Nitta's eyes widen.

"I'll call when I find Kugisaki so please deal with where Sukuna is right now" Megumi ended the call leaving Nitta to wonder to who she can report the problem.

But she can't just leave Megumi. It's been decided that she'll leave a couple of messages to the principal before going to where Megumi is in order to help him find Kugisaki.

Just why did it happen again?

What if this reaches to the Higher up?

Ugh just what's wrong with Gojo's students

𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗗 𝗧𝗢 𝗚𝗘𝗧 ఌ︎ 𝗀𝗈𝗃𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗎 ✔︎Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ