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Gojo happily spoke while trying to wake L/N, "Five more minutes..." L/N uttered still wanting to sleep, "No more you told me that for the fifth time! Seriously what time do you usually sleep?" Gojo asked while leaning towards her sleeping face

"2-3 am for some stupid work shit" L/N replied, "Jeez that old man sure need to stop giving you tons of worksheets," Gojo told her in a pity way

"But that still doesn't change the fact that we are going to roam around the city!" He happily declared still trying to get L/N out of the bed to get ready for the day but that still didn't seem easy to get her out, "Leave me alone dumbfuck" L/N let out while covering up her face in the pillow, not yearning to catch a glimpse of Gojo's beaming face, "Nah get up!" He started again to persuade her to get out of the bed, "what do I need to do just so you could get out of the bed?"

"Burn your pretty face" she answered back which only brought Gojo to sigh in disappointment but something caught his attention

"So you agreed that I have a pretty face?"

"Yes and it made me go blind"

"Oh, is that the reason why you have a blindfold too?"

"Shut your motherfucking mouth"

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"This better be a good reason to get me out of the bed Gojo" L/N gritted her teeth in annoyance to face the sunlight that she isn't fond to see it in the morning. "I don't know, maybe you'll get mad later" Gojo let out while walking around then looking back at his phone to scan the map to go around some store.

"I'll abandon you if you did" She angrily told Gojo then cover her face from the sunlight again, "Jeez you're not some kind of a vampire so stop covering your face" grabbing her hand then intertwined it with his hand so that she can't cover her face anymore

"Oi, stop holding my hand!" She shouted while attempting to get out of his grasp, "No, and this is better so you can't cover your face" He happily place both of their hand inside of his right pocket giving L/N to let out a groan, "Gojo! People will think of us as some couple!" L/N whispered but Gojo didn't listen

"So? Let them we are going on our little date"

"You told me we're going to roam around the city, not some freaking little date! This is unacceptable!" L/N asserted but Gojo being playful, he decided to tease her. "What? Can't hear ya you're small" with a smirk plastered on his face only made L/N even more irritated

L/N then steps on his feet but it didn't stop Gojo from teasing her, "It didn't hurt that much princess" He let out while keeping a smirk but deep down inside of him he winced from the pain when she steps on his feet angrily

'That hurts what the fuck' Gojo thought, "Let go of me Gojo before I shout something about you harassing me" L/N threaten him

"That won't work princess," He told her while grinning, "Let's see then" Gojo glanced at her, halting his walk then waited for her to say something

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP! THIS MOTHERFUCKING TITAN IS HARASSING ME— MHMM" L/N got cutted off after Gojo wrapped his other hand to her mouth shutting her up, he was surprised at her sudden shout it then attracts some people as they all started at them weirdly

"Uhm, sir is everything alright?" The person asked Gojo while looking concerned to L/N who is still trying to get away from Gojo, "Yes! Now please leave us alone-" Sir I'm going to ask you to let her go" Gojo sigh in annoyance after what trouble L/N brought that lead them to this

"L/N I know you're wearing your blindfold but I still need you to close your eyes" Gojo whispered to her, L/N was about to argue back but with the look of Gojo she knew she gotta follow what he just told her, L/N slowly closed her eyes then mumbles 'I'm ready' to her surprised she felt they teleported to somewhere

"Finally" Gojo uttered as L/N opened her eyes to see they were somewhere else rather than the one where they are in some crowded place, "No more shouting or else I'll kiss you" Gojo threaten her

"Try me bitch I'll kick your little junior" L/N fired back, "you know little missy this junior is not that small I can even do you right now so you can see how big I am" Gojo proudly declares not caring about the people surrounding them.

"I should have done you when I first tasted you back in the car so you'll know who you are messing with" He let out while walking away leaving L/N to follow him, "I hate you" L/N murmured enough for Gojo to hear

"Say that one more time"

"I hate you, titan— mhmm" L/N got cutted off when Gojo smashed his lips to her, she was surprised at his sudden action that she immediately started to punch him, Gojo then let go then stared at her with his proud smirk, "You motherfucker" L/N walk away as Gojo then follow her

"Hey! At least you got a delicious kiss from the strongest sorcerer!"

"Strongest sorcerer my ass!"

"Strongest sorcerer my ass!"

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Author's note:

I hope you like it and give it a vote! <3

-author Yua-chan

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