Prologue: My Guy Slip On A Purple Phallic Thing During The Night

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David POV

My name is David. I'm 20 years old. I live in an apartment next to his coffee shop. This coffee shop serves one of the most tastiest coffees ever. I tried one for myself when I was cramming during those high school days.

I was walking back home after a hard work of finishing those massive piles of papers that could rival that to mount Everest. You have no idea how many paper works I have to finish, on Saturday and Sunday no less.

My boss is a piece of shit, always ordering me to finish this or finish that. He doesn't even finish his own paper work. But at last, you know what's more fucked up? This is a black company. I wonder why I work there, but then I remembered that I need to pay those debts when parents decided to gamble all of our spending then disappeared leaving me with the damn debt. WORSE PARENT EVER.

At least I'm still alive and kicking. Hmm? What's that?

I see a purple thing on the floor. I was about to walk to the side but then it suddenly slid to my walking direction, making me slip and hit my head on metal bar then fell to a ditch where nobody can see me. After that, I blacked out.

Some time later, I woke up. And what's worse that it is already morning.

"Shit! I'm late for work!"

I quickly cartwheel back to my house, prepare an instant noodle that wasn't instant at all, ate the instant noodle raw on my to work, almost step on a shit, and finally reaching my work place. But there's one thing I forgot.

"Oh fuck, I'm still wearing my amogus pajamas."

This day couldn't get any worse, but I do what I have to do pay off my taxes. When I say this day couldn't get any worse, but wait, there's more. All of my paper works flew outside the window, making me believe that reality if often disappointing.


Nobody cares if I get fired, but what's more is that my boss doesn't notice me. My guy, you blind af or something? I'm right here.

"Boss, I'm right here!" But he didn't hear me. In fact, he just goes back to his office doing office boss work.

"Huh. My guy must be denser than a neutron star. Whatever. I have to start from scratch. That is, if my boss doesn't fire me. Maybe I'm already fired... well, shit happens."

I go about my day. I didn't talk to anyone because I don't care. After moving some paper and typing some codes onto the computer somebody screamed.

"AUGH! THERE'S GHOST MOVING!" Meh, Must be Crazy Terry going crazy. I just go back to being a slave worker to the black company.

"Shut the fuck up, Crazy Terry. Nobody likes you." Some random office worker said.


"Yeah, sure." Everyone in the office ignored him as we go back to our paper works.

After the day is almost over, I swiped my card to the machine that tells you that you're done with your work. It's a miracle that I found my card in the trash. I head home after that.

After walking through this sketchy alleyway, I saw a nervous highschool girl who might have seen some ghost in her life, but that was just Crazy Terry's job to think crazy stuff.

The girl was watching something on her phone but her hand slipped and the phone was slid onto me. I grabbed it and gave it to her.

"Hey girl, you dropped this."

But the girl has this look on her face that she seen some ghost... or maybe it's because of my amogus pajama, which I just walked from work to here. I bet they're going to put this on reddit or something. Maybe she spent too much time on reddit, 4chan, twitter, and discord. I just put it in her pocket and just left. That was weird. I finally went back home to get some sleep.


Pick one:

[Go clean up the ground of your apartment for no goddamn reason]

[Sniff the lightbulb, you have a fetish for smelling luminescence products]

[Listen to that animation where chairs talk each other about life for eight damn hours]

[Sneak into someone's apartment room and blow up their toilet just because]

[Go buy some nutella, enter the bathroom stalls, wait for someone, call out to them and ask for tissue paper, then swipe it on their hand]

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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