Chapter 9: The Stone and an Imposter

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"Y/N get up Harry wants to speak with you" Ron said shaking him awake, "Alright, alright give me a moment." he said walking over to his drawer, grabbing some clothes and his favourite denim jacket before heading to see Harry. 

"Hey mate, you alright?" Y/N asked a bit cautious, they hadn't spoken for a few days after their talk with Dumbledore. 

"I wanted to apologize, my parents took you in willingly, we were raised like brothers I guess." Harry said with a slight smile

"I guess we were." Y/N replied returning the smile

"There is something else though, my scar has been hurting again and it's been increasingly worse recently."

"Do you suggest we tell Dumbledore?" Y/N asked 

"No, I suggest we stop Snape from getting to that stone... I think it has something to do with the pain." 

Y/N had his doubts but agreed to go along with the plan anyway, they were going to go by themselves but Ron overheard.

"We've been here this whole time! We researched for days!" 

Hermione then jumped in agreeing with Ron

"Fine then, we'll go tonight under the cloak" Hermione and Ron nodded and they proceeded normally until everyone else went to bed.

Y/N waited in the common room until he was tapped on the shoulder by an invisible entity and slid under the cloak alongside his friends but Neville saw this. "You're sneaking out again aren't you"

"Nah Neville were going to go prank Dumbledore" Y/N said sarcastically 

"Shut up! I won't let you sneak out!"

"It's for a good reason Neville, I promise.. You have got to let us pass." Harry told him

"No- I'll - I'll fight you!" Neville challenged putting his fists up 

They stayed there awhile trying to change Neville's mind but it was going nowhere, "Neville, I'm really sorry about this.."

"Petrificus Totalus" said Hermione and Neville felt to the floor like a tree being cut from it's roots. 

"Well... sting like a bee..." Y/N mumbled earning a giggle from Harry and a slap from Hermione 

"He'll be fine he's only petrified." Hermione added as they put the invisibility cloak back over themselves and headed towards the corridor almost tripping over each other's feet many times especially when they came across a certain poltergeist making a racket knocking stands of armor into each other. They kept moving until they came across Mrs. Norris and Ron nearly fell flat onto her before Harry put a hand out and saved him.

"Come on, keep moving we're almost there" Harry told them until they finally arrived at the door which they knew Fluffy was behind, Hermione pulled out her wand ready to cast Alohomora but the door was already slightly ajar. 

"Damn, Snape must've beat us" Harry said almost too loudly, they snuck past the already sleeping Fluffy with the harp playing in the background. 

"That is a lot bigger than I expected.." Hermione shuddered at the sight of Fluffy 

"Look the trapdoor is open!" Ron said excitedly

"Wow, no way Ron... that's absolutely crazy!" Y/N said sarcastically earning a slap from Hermione. Without waiting, Y/N jumped down the trapdoor and fell alot further than expected

"Ah sh-" he landed with a thud clutching his knee brazen with blood. 

"Y/N? You alive?!" Harry yelled from above

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