Kai Oc(with the Powers of Shazam)

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(A/N:Gonna take a break of making Kryptonian Hybrids and make other Hybrids for a while. And characters based on Gods like: Thor, Shazam, Black Adam, and Mazahs, I'm gonna make some Supreme Kais Ocs with the powers of: Shazam, Black Adam, and Mazahs, and Thor)

Name: Lilang

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 18(But is Immortal and Eternal)


Father: Shin

Mother: Chronoa

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Mother: Chronoa

Race/Species: Supreme Kai(with the powers of different Greek Gods in the name Shazam)

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Race/Species: Supreme Kai(with the powers of different Greek Gods in the name Shazam)

Powers/Abilites: Godki Manipulation, Absolute Condition, Extended Lifespan, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Kai Kai, Magic Materialization, Healing, Potara Fusion(Through earrings), Absolute Flight, Ki Manipulation, magic, Time Travel, Time Manipulation, Timeline Erase, Time Dilation, Freeze, Fusion Dance Time Limit Negation, Injury Transfer, Time Labyrinth, Dark Labyrinth, Sealing Spells, Time Judgement, Temporal Justice, Sacred Furious Light Bullet, Dark Judgement, Time Clock, Godly/Absolute: Strength, Speed, Stamina, Physical and Magical Invulnerability, Fearlessness, vast wisdom and Mental Perception, Control over and emission of magic lightning,

S wisdom of Solomon: Absolute Omniscience, Clairvoyance, Hypnosis, Omni-lingual, Divine Grace, Eidetic Memory, Tactics of War, mathematics, Multilingualism

H Strength of Hercules: Godly/Absolute Strength, Super Leaping,

A Stamina of Atlas: Self Sustenance(Types 1 and 3), Godly/Absolute Stamina.

Z Power of Zeus: Magical Resistance, Physical Enhancements, Interdimensional Travel, Spell source, Sorcery, Absolute/Godly Regeneration/Healing Factor, Dimensional Travel, Electrokinesis, Electro blast, Size Alteration, Summoning, Thermal Blast, Electricity Manipulation, Lightning Manipulation

A Courage of Achillies: Godly/Absolute Invulnerability, Optism, Indomitable Will, Absolute Immortality, Infinite Courage,

M Speed of Mercury;Godly/Absolute Speed and Agility, Absolute Flight, Absolute reflexes

Absolute Omnipotence

Absolute Omniscience

Tier: Outer-High Outer


Suit while saying Shazam:

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Suit while saying Shazam:

Suit while saying Shazam:

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God of Gods mode:

greenbeedrill888 tok-kun5045 Heroesfan10009 Heroeskids10009 Lemonade500 NegaHunter ShiroKasada Evolto456

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